Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Room 5/6 have been baking!

Room 5 and 6 put their baking skills to the test in a Bake Off to create the best batch of gingerbread Christmas cookies. There was some wonderful creative and colorful icing designs and each team produced beautiful and delicious Christmas biscuits to take home and share. A big thank you to Karen Talbot and Annabelle Wood, who gave their time and baking expertise to help us with our bake off.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Enviro Schools Silver Award

The Bay Academy Enviroschools team together with all students, staff and visitors were excited to welcome members of the northland regional Enviroschools organisation, including Susan Karels the regional manager to present the recently gained silver award.

This is a very special day for the school and particular the team who have worked so tirelessly to meet the requirements for the upgrade from bronze to silver. We the students and staff are very proud of this achievement.

Kerikeri Men's Shed Helping Out!

The Kerikeri Men's Shed visited the Bay Academy equipped with their tools and an appetite to support our students building bird houses for the pollination garden. Students are hoping to bring a richer bird life back into the gardens, which have recently been developed into our own marae where students and staff pōwhiri and welcome new visitors to the school.

The students loved working with these talented men who demonstrated skills and helped the students complete four new bird houses ready to go up in the gardens.


The students acknowledged the support of these generous men with our school haka. The men themselves shared how much they enjoyed their visit and how great the students were to work with.

Buildings Upgraded and Opened (almost!)

We recently held a ceremony to officially acknowledge the new toilet block and renovations to rooms 1 and 2. Both facilities will open shortly as we await final sign off from a very busy council inspection team.

We were honoured to pōwhiri and welcome Kaumatua and Kuia from Te Tii who generously gave their time to come up and support this important development for our school.

Ngā mihi nui ki te hapu ō Ngati Rehia i tae mai ki te tautoko a tātou kura. Mauri ora!

Summer Oscar Programme

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

“Organising a group performance requires planning and working together”

How we organise ourselves - Kerikeri Xmas Parade 2018

The past few weeks have been really busy for Room 1 and 2 students as they were organising their entry into the Kerikeri Lion’s Christmas Parade. The event held on Saturday 24th November was a massive success and our students can be very proud of their resilience, organisation and bravery. Our school encourages student agency and action and we think Room 1 and 2 modelled these perfectly.
Quite often the assessment is not about the finished product but about the process it takes to get there, though in this case the finish product was also amazing!
Preparation for the event included planning, contacting the Lions club via phone, writing letters to parents, designing and creating costumes and lots of decision making. In order to make this event so successful, the classes showed to be open minded and respectful communicators. Our students made the decision to raise money through the planning and chose “Plastic Free Kerikeri” as their charity. As they were “saving the planet” they thought it apt to dress as eco warriors at the event.
The day of the event was a complete wash out but this did not dampen the spirit and excitement of the students. They rode their bikes and scooters through Kerikeri, chanting and singing all the way round. The support from whanau was outstanding, backed up by the cheers from the crowd. Well done Room 1 and 2!

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Supporting Plastic Free Kerikeri - Rooms 1 and 2

Students and teachers from Rooms 1 and 2 have been engaging in community action as part of their current Unit of Inquiry. Here are copies of the posts made to the school Facebook page.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Wearing the BOIIA School Uniform

We'd just like to remind you to please ensure your children are wearing the agreed uniform at school. A big thanks to those of you who already are. 

We deliberately have an easy to follow uniform policy for all children. A school polo, a school fleece and a sunhat for terms 1 and 4. Other than that its any pair of tidy black shorts or trousers. Teachers will be regularly reminding students about their responsibility to come to school in uniform. Your support is really appreciated.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Caring learner profile - Manaakitanga

Jenna Grant
PYP Coordinator
"We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around us." (SOURCE:

At Bay of Islands International Academy the caring learner profile is displayed in many different ways. It could be in the random acts of kindness shown by students and staff, caring for a peer when they aren’t feeling the best or could be driving a project to look after our environment. There are so many caring acts I have seen recently I couldn’t possibly list them all!

Roald Dahl. “I think probably kindness is my number one attribute in a human being. I'll put it before any of the things like courage, or bravery, or generosity, or anything else… Kindness—that simple word.

Over the last few months I have seen a massive shift in the care towards our environment, projects like the waste free lunches have sparked reflection on how we see our environment and how best to nurture it. Students have taken action to promote litterless lunches, collected rubbish round the school and recycling where possible.

We strive for a more peaceful world and cherishing these caring moments that shine through is important both for the school and wider community.

Waka Ama and Surfing begin

Students in Room 5/6 with Mrs Ross have begun their Friday programme of Waka Ama at Lake Manuwai. Led by Danny, our multi talented caretaker, and Tuppy his wife, students will learn about the culture of Waka ama and its relevance and meaning in the community. There will be lots of opportunity for paddling and competing as the term progresses.

Our Friday afternoon surfing programme also began last Friday at Matauri Bay. 21 brave students and a group of equally brave parents and teachers took to the water with surfboards in hand. On the day the conditions were not totally suitable for great surfing but Whaea Xani was happy to have the chance to get the organisation settled in for another surfing term. This term surfing will swing between Taronui Beach close to the school and Matauri.

Welcome to our Pānui newsletter

Tēnā koutou Parents, Whānau and Caregivers, We are going to be providing regular updates from our school using this blog, meaning that ins...