Thursday, December 5, 2019

Summer Holiday Fun

We are currently enrolling for 2020

At the Bay Academy we have a limited number of places for children across Kerikeri and surrounds to enrol from outside our zone. Currently we have 10 places available from new entrants to year 6. Our intermediate year 7 and 8 school is at capacity.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

2020 and beyond. How do we continue to improve outcomes for our children?

We are currently reviewing our strategic plan and initiatives for 2020. 

A significant focus for 2020 will be the positive behaviour initiative that we have been working hard to set up in 2019. We are committed to strengthening a culture of kindness at our school based around our core values - Ko Wai Au? Who am I?.

Academically we will seek to build improved learning opportunities for our children with international students and international issues. The goal here is to continue to build the characteristics of global citizenship encompassed in the Learner Profile.

I'll continue to provide updates as we progress our current review. 

Our ongoing goals and initiatives are shared below.

Community Notice - BOI Swim Club

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Community Notice - Northern Dance Academy

December 7th from 3pm
Northern Dance Academy rises through the levels from age 3-18 with a selection of their classical ballet and contemporary syllabus, competition solo, duos and groups
You are invited to an informal performance where the audience is welcome to attend anytime throughout the duration.
A shared supper and dance party follows the days performances.
Children that are not NDA dancers are welcome to attend the party too.
Tea/coffee available in the intervals. Entry by donation/koha

Monday, November 11, 2019

A problem with inappropriate language?

We received indirect feedback from the community that swearing and inappropriate language might be a problem at our school. We wanted to act immediately to try and identify if it was a problem, and if so, how much of a problem it is. We surveyed staff and students.

Results are shared below. In summary there is a problem. Together we are going to work hard to replace inappropriate language and swearing with kindness and respect for each other.

We don't expect this to be easy but with everyone's help, students and parents included, we expect to be successful. We are standing committed to an environment free of swearing and inappropriate language.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Defining behaviours for what they are

We'd like to know if you agree or not? Please add a 👍if you agree or a 😡if you don't. Click below this post where it says 'No Comments' to add your emoji response.

We want to establish a shared understanding, with all of you who have a stake in our school, about the distinctions between types of behaviour. Knowing exactly what a behaviour is then allows us to bring in the right strategies to change undesirable behaviours to expected behaviours. This is a key part of our PB4L initiative and continuing to build a culture of friendship and kindness.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

2040 the Movie - Room 4 and 5

Students from rooms 4 and 5 were given the opportunity today to watch the movie 2040. I have shared the trailer below to give you a sense of what the film is about. It also added a wonderful resource into the children's 'Sharing the Planet' units of inquiry.

Below the trailer I have shared reflections from three students in room 5. Reading these filled me with confidence for the future of our world. These young people have produced thoughtful, intelligent reflections about the impact of the film on them. I hope you enjoy.

We are also grateful to the Chandler family and Four Square Waipapa for their support in making this happen for our children. Both are showing though their actions a strong commitment to action to improve outcomes for our planet.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Successful IB Evaluation Visit

This time last term we were hosting the International Baccalaureate Evaluation Team who were making their four yearly visit to assess our status as an IB World School. Their report has been recently sent to us and we attach it here for those interested.

In brief, the report was full of commendations for the way we are conducting the IB curriculum, systems and processes at our school. It also offered some recommendations for areas of improvement which we accepted with enthusiasm.

I want to add a huge word of thanks to Jenna Grant our PYP coordinator for her tireless work over the past 12 months to get us ready for this visit. We are very grateful for the way she managed this project during a very busy time for her at school and personally.

We are proud to remain the only authorised IB World School north of Auckland.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Community Notices

Riverview School Bazaar Sunday 22 September, 11am to 3pm Riverview Road, Kerikeri Lots of fun – children’s rides and activities, silent auction, raffles, pre-loved items, plants, entertainment, food stalls, and MUCH MORE.

Taupo Bay NZ Surf Academy Sept/Oct Holiday Surf Programme 30th Sept- 4th Oct, 7th - 11th October 2019

Friday, August 9, 2019

Improving emotional wellbeing

This is a 14 minute watch so possibly something to bookmark for when you have time. It is young person's perspective on why teaching mindfulness is so important.

If you have further questions about our mindfulness programme at the Bay Academy please do not hesitate to be in touch.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Keeping children safe online

We are fortunate that Pauline Spence from Netsafe is returning to Tai Tokerau to deliver her workshops across our wider region. Netsafe is all about online safety and reporting.

This session is for parents, whānau and caregivers who may be looking for more information to help them support their young people with their time online. Details are in the brochure below.

Here is a Netsafe resource available for parents and whānau to begin with;

This is also an opportunity to remind parents that we have a kawa of care in place for students when using devices at school. Details of this are included here for your information. It is designed to develop and support the behaviours required to use time online responsibly and in a principled and caring way.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) update

We have been working on establishing a simple set of values on which to base the teaching of behaviour and expectations in school and on school based activities. PB4L is a key strategic goal for our school supporting a focus on emotional and social wellbeing for our children.

Based on the input of students, parents, whānau and staff we have identified 4 shared values common across our school community. They are;

(follow this link for detailed definitions of the Māori words

We plan to use these as the basis for teaching the behaviours that lead to a healthy social/emotional, and successful learning environment at our school. The goal is that students, parents, whānau and staff gain a clear understanding of the expected behaviours and strive to live up to them.

We'll lead this by asking the question, Ko wai au? Who am I? The following graphic combines the values with all the elements of the IB Learner Profile.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Welcome to Term 3

I'd like to extend a warm welcome to students, parents and whānau to term 3 at the Bay Academy. I acknowledge our busy lives and as a result just want to bullet point whats happening at our school during this term. If you ever want more information or have suggestions or feedback for our school you can email me at

  • IB Evaluation Visit: we are being visited by representatives from the International Baccalaureate organisation in week 3. This is an evaluation of our school in terms of our status as an IB World School. This is a very important visit and our IB PYP coordinator Jenna Grant has put in many hours preparing us for success. We feel we are well prepared but fingers crossed everyone!
  • School photos in week 4 - more information to follow.
  • Please remember to let Sharon at reception know if your child is sick, each day that they remain at home. We also have a mobile phone for texting 021 02561795
  • A reminder that we are a water only school supporting the New Zealand Dental Association (NZDA) and good oral hygiene. We also encourage waste free lunchbox options for children.
  • Mindfulness programme - we continue to support emotional wellbeing through the mindfulness daily programme in our school. We are pleased to see a growing number of schools locally and internationally adopting this practice to support young people.
  • Positive Behaviour for Learning - this new initiative for 2019 continues to build momentum. As a school community we are making an agreed list of the expected behaviours specific to areas of the school eg. classroom, library, bus, etc. The next step is bringing a consistent approach to teaching and modelling these behaviours so they become embedded.
    Mindfulness and PB4L are key parts of our 2019-2021 strategic plan;

Finally, I know this is an important time for families of senior students as you consider schooling options for 2020. Students in year 6 and 7 begin to look towards high school and think that the move will be better for them, for whatever reason? 

Before deciding to make the move prior to completing year 8 I encourage you to consider these questions:

1. Is inquiry learning through connected units, where students are encouraged to pursue their interests and passions, more meaningful, engaging and relevant than the 55 minute blocks of unrelated subjects they are likely to face at high school?
2. Will students experience mindfulness and learning to support their personal emotional wellbeing at high school?
3. Will they enjoy the distraction free option of no mobile phones at high school? 
4. Will they get opportunities to become leaders and enjoy leadership training and responsibility at high school?
5. Will they be offered weekly outdoor education such as paddle boarding, sailing, waka ama, hip hop dancing, horse riding, mountain biking and more? or get the chance to visit the Hilary Outdoors Centre at Mt Ruapehu?
6. Will they go to a school that is actively changing to meet the needs of every child, not just those with academic strengths?

We continue to work hard to offer students a diverse, relevant and modern education fit for a rapidly changing world. We are by no means there yet, but we will be guided by the very latest and best practice to continue to evolve for the best outcomes for our young people.

Survey on behalf ...

We have been asked to send out a short survey on behalf two Kerikeri High School students. Their introduction follows;

Kia Ora, we are two Kerikeri High School students in year 13 who are conducting a survey to collect statistics regarding viewpoints on having basic Te Reo Māori, Māori tikanga and Māori history taught from years 1-8 in selected schools of the area. The selected primary schools we have chosen to support our research and social action are Kerikeri Primary School, Riverview Primary School, Oromahoe Primary School and Bay of Islands Academy. These schools are the main schools that Kerikeri High School receive new year 7’s from and with Te Reo Māori being taught in years 7 and 8 we believe it would set a good foundation for new students entering the Kerikeri High School environment. This survey will collect data from parents and students of the 4 schools stated, anonymously. We are only focusing on the statistics our surveys receive rather than the pattern of who does or does not support our policy. Please be assured that our survey have been approved and supported by each school’s principals. We hope to receive your survey votes. Nga mihi.

Holiday changes

Recent visitors to school will have noticed some changes to our administration area. Our reception has moved to what was previously the principals office, and Chris our principal has swapped places. This means that visitors to the school need to come through the gate to get to reception.

The change was brought about by the recently installed new school fencing and the ease for our students and staff to get to the office and printer, and to see Sharon for a range of day to day needs.

Top Block Upgrade

We are very excited to have received confirmation from the Ministry of Education about funding to upgrade the top block catering for our new entrants, year 1, 2 and 3 students.

Most exciting is that the plan is to retain and repair the exterior appeal of this important and significant building and to fully renovate the interior, including new fit for purpose shower/toilet facilities and extended decks to create indoor/outdoor learning spaces.

Phase one is to create a wish list for all the necessary additions to the new facility, a step which will include staff and students. Due to the significance of this building we will also consult with the community in Te Tii. I have included a first concept plan which has been created for discussion and invite feedback and comments from everyone in our community with an interest in this important space for our children.  

Term 3 Outdoors - Horse Riding

The term 3 Friday outdoors activity for our Year 7 and 8 students is horse riding. After Waka Ama in term 1 and Hip Hop dancing in term 2 we are lucky enough, thanks to Kates Riding Academy, to offer our students this excellent opportunity.

Learning to ride a horse builds confidence and empathy and teaches young people about respect and care for animals.

Check out photos from the first rotation

Monday, July 22, 2019

Welcoming new staff and students

On Monday morning at the beginning of term 3 we welcomed new staff and students to our school with a pōwhiri led by the kapa haka group. As usual the Board, staff and students were warm in their welcome of new families to our school community.

Included in the pōwhiri we were lucky to welcome Claudine Silich as a new teacher to our team. Claude is covering the maternity position for Jenna in Room 1. She comes to us with extensive experience from overseas teaching in early childhood in the International Baccalaureate. Claude and her husband Philip and their children Kosta, Mika and Max call Te Tii home and are thrilled to return to this place, and to the Bay Academy.

Also welcomed were Cameron, Anaia, Nicholas and Jasper in Room 1, Boston in Room 2 and Elijah in Room 3.

Friday, July 5, 2019

2019 New Board of Trustees

Introducing the newly elected Board of Trustees members for 2019. The next scheduled meeting is Wednesday 13th August at 4.30pm.

The Board of Trustees meets 10 times per year to support the governance of the school. Members of the public are welcome to attend BOT meetings in an observational capacity only. If you wish to address the Board your written submission must be emailed to Sharon Hirst, board secretary ( 3 days prior to the relevant meeting.
Board meetings are advertised through our school Facebook page. We will also advertise through this newsletter for those who do not use Facebook.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Building Student Agency through the PYP

Read about what it takes to build our children's capacity to act and/or exert power. This sense of having and making choices supports a healthy and empowered approach to life.

PYP students take the lead

The IB Primary Years Programme encourages students to identify and choose the areas of learning they wish to explore. IB World magazine speaks to three PYP teachers about how they support their students in directing their own learning. "When students feel they have a voice and the freedom to make supported choices in their learning, they will be engaged.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Winter Concert - 17th July - Free entry

Matariki Community Hangi 2019

What is Matariki?
Matariki is the Māori name for the cluster of stars also known as the Pleiades. It rises in mid-winter and for many Māori, it heralds the start of a new year.

Matariki literally means the ‘eyes of god’ (mata ariki) or ‘little eyes’ (mata riki). According to myth, when Ranginui, the sky father, and Papatūānuku, the earth mother, were separated by their children, the god of the winds, Tāwhirimātea, became so angry that he tore out his eyes and threw them into the heavens.

Cycles of life and death
Traditionally, Matariki was a time to remember those who had died in the last year. But it was also a happy event – crops had been harvested and seafood and birds had been collected. With plenty of food in the storehouses, Matariki was a time for singing, dancing and feasting.
Modern Matariki
Matariki, or Māori New Year celebrations were once popular, but stopped in the 1940s. In 2000, they were revived. Only a few people took part at first, but in just a few years thousands were honouring the ‘New Zealand Thanksgiving’. A special feature of Matariki celebrations is the flying of kites – according to ancient custom they flutter close to the stars.


Thank you to all in our community who were able to make the hangi lunch and kapa haka performance. A massive thanks to Mike and Trudy Porter for their outstanding organisation and commitment to making the hangi such a success. Thanks also to everyone who contributed in all the ways you did to make a special day for the children and school.

2019 Matariki blog

52 new photos added to shared album

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Wigs day and mufti for a great cause.

We are very excited to be taking part in ‘Wig Wednesday’ on Wednesday 19th June to raise funds for Kiwi kids with cancer. It’s easy to take part – just wear a wig on the day and bring a donation for Child Cancer Foundation.  All funds raised will help support kids with cancer and their families across New Zealand. Prefer not to buy a wig? You can make a wig or make a headpiece of your own. Create wacky hair using ribbons, clips, temporary colouring or old-fashioned back-combing! Please note this will also be a mufti day.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

2019 Cross Country/Fun Run

Yesterday, 5 June 2019, we held our whole school Cross Country day. The weather was kind to us, clearing the torrential rain for a clear, sunny time for our students to participate. The school spirit was high with students, parents and staff cheering and celebrating all students along the way. Students showed outstanding sportsmanship by going back to run alongside their peers/siblings even after they had finished the course. With mandarins supplied by Kainui Orchards, the students were refuelled, and there was an overall pride and joy reflected in the students who obtained such a fantastic achievement. The IB Profile of Balanced truly shone. Well done all!

Thank you to our wonderful teaching staff who assisted on the day, but a special mention of thanks goes to Catherine, Toni, Sharon and Danny. You are the stars of our school. Thank you!
Attached is the list of the placings of the students with the distances and quantity of laps run. The inter-school Cross Country is the next step, where we would like to send students to represent our school. The students aged 4-7 will participate at Springbank School on 21 June 2019, while the students aged 8-12 will participate at Kapiro Landcorp Station, 100m down Takou Bay Road, 12 km north of Waipapa on 18 June 2019. I would like to offer the opportunity for students placed 1-4 to participate in the inter-schools competition. These competitions will be with other students from the Kerikeri District in the same age categories.

If you or your child have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Samantha Roessler.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Keeping Ourselves Safe programme

Constable Rob from the Kerikeri police will be delivering the Keeping Ourselves Safe message to all of our children over the next 2 weeks. We believe that the job Rob does in the community to support families and children around personal safety is an important one. Children may hear things in these sessions that might surprise them or give rise to questions that they then bring home to you. Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions or concerns about the content of these sessions.

I have provided a link here to the NZ Police resource that Rob uses to guide his presentations. Click on the picture to be redirected to the website.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Parent & Whānau Hui

The Board, leadership and staff welcome whānau, parents and caregivers to join us at either of two information sharing evenings.

We will be asking you about what's most important for your children as they progress through our school. What values should we be working hard to support, model and develop? Where are our areas for improvement as we seek to make this a school one where every child prospers in learning and confidence? What should our matauranga Māori programme include and how are we doing on this? We would also like to share some developments on new reporting software we are using as a school. There will also be opportunities for you to ask us anything else that is of importance to you.
We will be providing food and refreshments at both hui so ask you to RSVP to help us cater. Our invitation is attached.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Welcome to Term 2

Welcome back parents, caregivers, whānau and students to term 2. This is another busy term at our school and here I want to let you know some of the activities planned for the term.

By the time you read this the junior camp at Lonesdale Park has wrapped up and the children have headed home with lots of new stories, experiences and friendships.

Junior camp was again a real success thanks to the hard work of our teaching team, Xani, Monique and Mel in the kitchen and all the generous parent helpers. The opportunity for our children to be together, learning to collaborate, in a live-in environment plus experience confidence building in the outdoors continues to be an important part of the junior programme.

Shortly we will be sending out invitations to an upcoming series of parent/whānau meetings. We plan to run two events, one at school and one at the local marae. These hui have been planned as opportunities to fully involve you in our positive behaviour for learning programme introduced in 2019, our new online Linc-ED reporting initiative and student achievement updates. Food will be provided and we hope you see this as an important opportunity to contribute to the school going forward.

Order forms for Sport shirts have been sent home and we have a large number of orders already received back. We are looking forward to seeing our students looking sharp on the sports fields.

The whole school will be attending a performance by the NZ Ballet Company, Tutus on Tour at The Centre. This is a performance designed for student groups and comes with a big recommendation. Before that a group of dancers will visit the school for a series of lessons to Rooms 4 and 5. Thanks to Mrs Ross for her enthusiasm that made this unique opportunity available to our children.

Continuing with the dance theme Room 5 students will spend their Friday sports and cultural block in term 2 learning dancing at the local Hip Hop dance studio in Kerikeri.

Tutus On Tour 2019School hui in term 2 will run every two weeks beginning Thursday 9th May in Room 5. After that it will normally run on a Wednesday. These opportunities to celebrate student learning s a school are open to parents and we welcome you to stay and enjoy from around 9am for 30 minutes.

Constable Rob Drummond will this term be running the Keeping Ourselves Safe programme offered nationally by the NZ Police. For detailed information on the possible content in Rob's sessions you can look at this website.

Cross Country season is once again here and this year we will be running a school cross country and preparing keen runners towards the regional event at Takou Bay, to be held in week 8. More information will come out soon. We have also been encouraged to get feedback about a school athletics day. We have decided to add this to the calendar in term 4.

Matariki begins in week 7 in 2019. As well as many learning opportunities for our children we look forward to a range of celebrations including the annual hangi towards the end of term. Our kapa haka group along with school leaders will be invited to a Marae stay during the Matariki celebration period.

During the term students will benefit with a visit from NZ author Adele Broadbent. Her website provides more information on her work.

The gardening club continues do great work with the ongoing support of community volunteers John and Liz. Salad buckets are now ready for sale again and a discount is available for those who return their bucket from last time. The produce looks amazing so look out for your opportunity to purchase vegetables and salads coming soon.

Parents can expect to receive a single page report this term on their children's progress. This report will supplement the learning progress we are reporting online through the Linc-ED programme. We will continue to gauge your feedback on reporting to ensure we are giving you what you need to assess and monitor your child's progress. This term will will also report broadly on achievement for our school and let you know how we are tracking students now that national standards are no longer relevant.

Thanks again for your ongoing support for our school and helping us to provide a happy, caring and stimulating environment for your children to learn. Early in term 3 we host an evaluation team from the International Baccalaureate organisation. They will visit to assess our performance as a school delivering their Primary Years Programme. Jenna Grant has been working tirelessly to help us prepare for this visit and we are excited for the opportunity to showcase the great work of our whole team. There will be an opportunity for parents to be involved in the visit and we will be in touch soon with more information.

Mauri Ora

Ko ã tãtou tamariki ngã rangatira mo ãpõpõ
Mã te tiaki, mã te ropiropi ka puta te oranga ki a tatou katoa.

“Our children are the leaders of the future. By caring for them and fostering their learning, we assure future life for all”

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The Wonky Donkey Live Shows

                           School Holiday Skating 

               Week 1 Monday to Thursday from 2pm – 4pm
               Week 2 Tuesday to Friday from 2pm - 4pm We are open Anzac Day.

Fundraiser Skate Night Saturday 27th of April 6pm - 9pm 

All proceeds to Stingrays inline hockey players who have been selected to represent NZ in Hawaii & Barcelona

WHERE:  Baysport Stadium, Harmony Lane, Waipapa

Thank you,
Northland Inline Skating Club

Monday, April 8, 2019

Board of Trustees Elections 2019

A strong Board of Trustees is central to our continuing success as a school. Much like a business we deal with issues including property, finance, human resources etc., on top of the priorities of teaching and learning and the wellbeing of our young people. If you feel you can provide expertise in any of these areas or want to direct your energy for the good of the students please consider this important community role.

Contact Sharon or by phone 4079749 for more information.

Welcome to our Pānui newsletter

Tēnā koutou Parents, Whānau and Caregivers, We are going to be providing regular updates from our school using this blog, meaning that ins...