Thursday, April 30, 2020

Praise for Effort

During this period of online learning we will look to be praising and acknowledging all those children who display our school values - Ko wai au? Who am I?

Whanaungatanga might be shown by children who participate positively in online group meetings, sharing their learning with others,
Aroha might be shown by children being encouraging to others, helping them succeed in this unfamiliar environment,
Responsibility might be shown by children who make an excellent effort to complete the learning tasks offered by their teachers, and
Resilience might be shown by children who display a willingness to keep trying even though this might be hard?

We will do one or two draws of children who have been given Ko wai au cards, and they will receive their prize when we return to school.

The 6 Global Competencies

Thanks to the good people from New Pedagogies for Deeper Learning (NPDL) who shared this resource. These 6 competencies have been identified by many as the most important qualities for our young people to develop as they head into a fast changing world.

There are some very good question starters on page 2 for those conversations at home.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Latest Information for School Reopening 29th April

Kia ora koutou,

Tomorrow, Wednesday 29th, the Bay Academy will re-open under Level 3 Covid-19 conditions. We are expecting 6 students at school. All remaining students will be learning ONLINE, from home. We will have only 4 staff on site.

Teachers are well prepared to support online learning. We have supplied all students who requested them with school owned devices for learning. Students are expected to engage with the learning provided by teachers. Students who choose not to engage with learning online will be considered absent from school and will be marked as such. In this case, unless we hear from parents, children will be recorded on the roll as unjustified absence. 

The bus will run at the usual time tomorrow. The Bus company are monitoring the usage of buses and will update us daily on any changes to the timetable. I am required to complete a register of all students travelling on the bus each day.

Of paramount importance is health and safety. We are putting in place measures to ensure the safety of your children, of all staff and of visitors to the school. We acknowledge the implications of taking this threat too lightly, particularly in relation to our most at risk family and whānau.

We acknowledge that this might be a difficult time for your family and whānau and offer whatever assistance we can to make it easier if we possibly can.

Ngā mihinui kia koutou katoa

Stay safe and well.

Health and safety under Level 3.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Our Kerikeri Survey

Our Kerikeri would like to get a better understanding of why we are seeing such a large increase in walking and cycling around Kerikeri and Waipapa right now. They have put together a survey, and would love to know your thoughts on why this is happening, and how we could embrace more walking and cycling after lockdown.
You can answer the questions by following this link

Term 2, 2020. Covid-19 Level 3 Welcome letter

Welcome to our Pānui newsletter

Tēnā koutou Parents, Whānau and Caregivers, We are going to be providing regular updates from our school using this blog, meaning that ins...