Monday, June 29, 2020

Book Character Day

Our annual celebration of reading and our favourite characters. We were so impressed with the range of outfits and the level of involvement again this year. Thanks to all those who got involved.

To check out other photos of the day follow this link

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Understanding our Programme of Inquiry

As an IB school our programme of inquiry is the backbone of the learning for all, years 1 to 8. Jenna explains what it is, and how it provides great opportunities for children to learn from local and global contexts and perspectives. How might you, our community, enrich this programme for the children? Ask us how.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Taupo Bay 3 Day Holiday Surf Programme | Beginner & Intermediate

From the NZ Surf Academy ...
We hope you and your families are all well and keen to get back to the beach!

Unfortunately we do not have any funding for the upcoming school holidays, so we've put together a 3 day surf programme for beginners and intermediates, tailored slightly differently to abilities.

Please click on the Google Docs link for more information and booking


Simon & team
NZ Surf Academy
p 09 4343843
m 0277344877

Surfing for Schools from O'Neill Surf Academy NZ on Vimeo.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

From Jenna our IB PYP Coordinator

Welcome back to level 1! I am blown away by the resilience and adaptability of our students during lockdown, the transition of levels and the return to school.

Thank you for all the survey results I received from our learning community. It showed a strong request for IB updates to be provided both via email and with short videos. Every week I will focus on a different aspect of the Primary Years Programme including the Early years.

If any questions arise or if there is something you would like to know more about please contact me via email at This week I have shared with you a short video about an IB education.

What is an IB education? from International Baccalaureate on Vimeo.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Keeping you posted

Welcome to week 7 of term 2. As we anticipate an announcement from the Prime Minister today regarding a change in response levels for Covid-19 from level 2 to level 1, we can tell you that all is well at school. We continue to focus on good hygiene practices throughout the day, and remind you to provide your child with their own water bottle.

Here's what else is new this week:

This Thursday we are lucky again to have the support of Renee, mum of Nikolai in Room 2 and owner of Renee Zotov Photography for our annual school photos. Thursday this week begins with our fortnightly celebration of learning hui shortly after 9am, which you are invited to. Following the hui we will start with photos straight away, beginning with Room 1. If you wanted to get a photo done with your child/children, this would be a great time to do it. 

We will provide further information about how you can get hold of your photos once done.

You can expect mid year reports for your child/children by week 2 in term 3. Due to the lockdown this will be slightly later than normal. This year teachers are trialling something new for reports and we really hope it enhances your experience of the school report process. We'll leave it for now as a bit of a surprise, but will love to get your feedback when they come out.

For all parents who are interested in supporting a parent/teacher group, we are having a cup of tea/coffee on Thursday afternoon at 3.30pm at school to set the wheels in motion. 


The upgrade of Rooms 1 and 2 will begin this week. Fences will go up around the top block as the builders begin the process of removing structural and other materials that will be replaced in the renovation. 

We held a brief ceremony this morning, including karakia and singing, where we acknowledged the history of the building which originally travelled up from Te Tii village over 60 years ago. 

We have now handed the building into the care of the project managers and are excited about the beautiful new facility soon to open up for our new entrants and early years learners.

Trudi Porter has asked for names from girls interested in playing netball in a shortened season this year. So far we have received enough names from girls in Rooms 3,4 and 5 to make up 2 teams. Trudi will be in touch shortly with more information. It's not too late if your child still wishes to express an interest.

Recently we have received generous donations from members of the community which make a real difference to the activities we can offer children at the school. Among other things these have gone towards the cost of keeping the school van and helping with providing extra food for the children. We want to thank all those who have been able to support our school in this and all the other ways that you do.

The Bay Academy is currently experiencing enrolment growth. We still have up to 10 places remaining across years 1 to 6. If you know anybody who is considering enrolment at our school we recommend they get in touch to register their interest. Available places are for both IN ZONE and OUT OF ZONE enquiries.

Ngā mihi nui

Welcome to our Pānui newsletter

Tēnā koutou Parents, Whānau and Caregivers, We are going to be providing regular updates from our school using this blog, meaning that ins...