Friday, October 30, 2020

Attendance update

The Ministry of Education states that "A student is considered to be attending regularly if they were present at school for more than 90% of all half days"

The following charts show recent information for the Bay Academy. In term 3 almost 2/3rds of the student group attended school less than 90%. In term 4 to date this is down to approximately a quarter.

We understand this has been an unusual year, with lots of reasons why attendance has been down. We share this information with you as part of ongoing updates about key statistics from school.

We also share it as a reminder that regular attendance is encouraged and beneficial for your children.

I am excited to say that year to date we have one student who is running at 100% attendance.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Rooms 1 and 2 re-opening

Tēnā koutou katoa. 

We conducted a brief karakia and waiata Wednesday morning at 9am to re-open the renovated classrooms. 

We are proud to have retained the bones of this whare that travelled up to the school site in 1958. It is rewarding to have been able to breath new life into this very special building. 

In a short time, from this ...

To this ...

The original building was cut into two pieces and transported up from Te Tii village during 1958 for a 1959 opening. During the renovation this year, when the building interior cladding was stripped back, most of the original timber framing was in such good condition we were able to reuse it.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Important Dates - Term 4

        Term 4 important dates for parents, caregivers and whānau,

  • Tuesday 27th October - Rooms 4 - 5, trip to Kororipo Pā
  • Wednesday 28th October, 8.45am - Official re-opening of  junior block (all welcome) - TO BE CONFIRMED

  • Friday 30th October - Rooms 1 -3 Camp at school

  • Monday 2nd November - TEACHER ONLY DAY (closed for students)

  • Monday 2nd November - Board of Trustees meeting 4.30 - 6.30pm

  • Tuesday 10th November - Whole school ATHLETICS DAY (parents welcome)

  • Tuesday 24th November - Rooms 4-5, Marine Reserves trip

  • Friday 27th November - School Leaders day camp

  • Thursday 3rd December - Ki-o-Rahi festival at BOIIA (parents welcome)

  • Monday 7th December - Year 8 Exhibition (parents welcome)

  • Tuesday 8th December - Rooms 4-5 trip to Maitai Bay, Marine Environments

  • Wednesday 9th December - Year 8 Graduation Dinner (students and parents)

  • Friday 11th December - END OF YEAR celebration assembly (whole school community)

  • Monday 14th December - Whole School BEACH DAY (parents and families welcome)
  • Monday 14th December - Board of Trustees meeting 4.30 - 6.30pm

  • Tuesday 15th December - SCHOOL CLOSES for 2020, 12pm

Thursday, October 15, 2020

New Sun-hats for Terms 1 and 4

We have ordered new sun hats for the school, that will be arriving soon. We are seeking to have all students wearing the school sun hat as soon as possible this term. They will be available at a price of $10 each.

The orange version is for students in Rooms 1-3. The black version is for students in Rooms 4-5. Some flexibility will be offered as students transition between rooms 3-4.

Until they arrive we are still requiring students to be wearing hats while exposed to the sun, either at play times OR for any other outside class activities, including after school. All staff will be consistent in requiring students to follow this rule.

Year 8 students are welcome to purchase the new hats but this will not be compulsory due to them leaving at the end of the term. They must though have their own alternative hat.

Welcome to our Pānui newsletter

Tēnā koutou Parents, Whānau and Caregivers, We are going to be providing regular updates from our school using this blog, meaning that ins...