Monday, December 6, 2021

Green Gold Award Achieved

We are excited to announce the awarding of the Enviroschools Green Gold Award to Bay of Islands International Academy by the Northern Regional Councils Enviroschools team. Following the successful reflection day described below by coordinating teacher Jenna Grant, the school went on to celebrate its success two weeks later.

Covid restrictions were not going to hamper Bay of Islands International Academy’s Green - Gold status reflection day. With a smaller group than planned the day began with a powhiri in the stunning and spiritual outdoor marae, Te Waonui ā Tane, nestled in the school pollination gardens. The waiata filled the hearts of all present and set a tone of appreciation.

The reflection group were students from years 2 - 8 and not all were part of the enviro team, we felt this was appropriate to show a balanced view of the schools culture. Morag facilitated the day with Zoe, Susan Karels and Poppy, our Board of Trustees chair. The day was in keeping with our school's culture and was “organic” with the students at the heart of all the activities.

It was a breath of fresh air to hear students talking of the journey their kura has been on to become more sustainable and future focussed.

“When I came to this school there was loads of rubbish, then when I came back from Ireland there was none.”

Some evidence that was shared included;
  • A vegetable garden that runs as a business selling produce to community and local shops
  • Ngahere kura - a forest school program for year 5 and 6 students in a nearby bush area
  • Outdoor loose parts play area for younger students
  • Students being a part of the strategic planning process
  • Room 5 writing to the government and signing a bill to support a marine reserve
  • Visits to project island song
  • Our locally famous trapping team working hard to eradicate pests on the peninsula
  • Only Rain Down the Drain painting project
  • And one of our very own students being awarded to Blake Young Leaders award

The reflection process showed our progress from silver status where we set goals to spread the kaupapa across the school and into the wider community. As we put our evidence next to the guiding principles we realised that this was very much achieved. All classes plan units of inquiry with a sustainable future in mind. The year long unit of inquiry has an environmental focus so the curriculum is accessed year round and with many different perspectives. So many of our projects have reached outside school and are valuably connected to the wider community.

Due to uncertainty over covid restrictions we chose to collate our evidence in a website (just in case), with a bit more work and our status update to add we hope to share this with our wider community.

Being an IB school we are more than familiar with the inquiry cycle and the ongoing reflective process. From here we will recognise what we have and then look to the future about what we can continue working on.

Looking ahead, we aim to continue our “sharing the planet” and “how the world works” units that inquire into environmental concepts and allow students from across the school to think about local and global issues and solutions. This year some students have been selected to input into our school’s strategic plan. Having surveyed our community we have identified an opportunity to enhance our outdoor space.

We couldn’t be more proud of the hard work the students have put in and their inspiring passion to create a more sustainable future. The tears at the reflection day show just how important Enviroschools is to our students. We are looking forward to seeing what the next few years hold for us. Yeah for green gold status!

Friday, November 26, 2021

Camp at School 2021

Camp at school for Rooms 2,3 and 4 was again a great success. Our tamariki love the opportunity to work and play together as one. A full days activity list was created by the teachers and students that flowed on into the evening, including setting up the camp sites and tents, a camp fire with toasted marshmellows and spotlight as the night closed in.

The night was long for teachers as they settled children down in their sleeping locations and comforted any who were a little hesitant as their heads hit the pillow in the knowledge that Mum or Dad were not as close by as normal. By the time the morning arrived everyone was rested and happy, and all that remained was a hearty breakfast and the wait for parents and whānau to arrive for pickup. 

A big thanks again  to teachers for their willingness and enthusiasm to help create a wonderful experience.


Monday, November 15, 2021

Sir Peter Blake Young Leaders Award

 At last weeks school hui it was a great pleasure to announce that a young person from our school had been granted a Sir Peter Blake Young Leaders Award. The award was presented to Arran Grant for his leadership of the school pest trapping programme.

Arran has taken leadership of this trapping programme and has guided a small team of his peers to maintain a regular programme of pest trapping around the school. Arran and his team and also taken their work into the community and have shared their journey in presentations to other groups, including at the local Whitiora Marae, to show the benefits to our environment of their actions.

Massive congratulations to Arran.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

If you are able to help in anyway, big or small, we would love to hear from you.

 Kia ora koutou,

Thank you to the families and students who have completed the strategic planning surveys. The time taken to generously and thoughtfully give your feedback is so valuable and very much appreciated.

One particular area that has come through loud and clear from our entire community, is the desire for our playground and outside play opportunities for our tamariki to be improved.

Another message that came through was the willingness from our community to support and contribute to the growth and opportunity at our school.

The board are therefore putting out a call to whānau and our wider community… a call to anyone who has a little time, energy, advice, experience or enthusiasm to support a fundraising drive!  

We aim to get a fundraising working group set up in term 4 so we can start to brain storm, strategise and work with our students to formulate a plan of action - to fund and create an awesome playground and outdoor play opportunities for our school.

If you are able to help in anyway, big or small, we would love to hear from you.

You can drop in to see Toni in the office or have a chat with Chris. You can also email me on, or any of the other board members if you’d like further information or conversation.

We are really excited to see what we can achieve together for our children.

Kia pai tō rā whakatā, have a great weekend!


Board chair on behalf of the board of trustees

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Raffles - Newsletter coming home today

 We have two beautiful raffles to fundraise for our kapa haka uniform and for our junior playground.

Korowai raffle $20 per ticket , 4 prizes to win.

A day in the bay on a 38ft launch raffle, $10 per ticket, kindly donated by one of our families.

You can buy a ticket at office or bank online ref name and which raffle korowai or boat

Bay of islands international academy


Friday, October 22, 2021

Monday labour day school closed

 Hi whanau, community and caregivers

Friendly reminder Monday school closed as its labour day, have a lovely long weekend, see you all Tuesday.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Term 4 dates to remember

 Term 4 2021

Welcome back everyone

Upcoming Dates to note

Monday 25th October Labour day school closed

Friday 29th October World stroke day

Monday 8th Nov 

Monday 15th Nov

Friday 19th Nov

Monday 22nd November 

Swimming programme, Please bring togs and towel on these days

Tuesday 30th November

& Wednesday 8th December 

Rm 4 only Digital programme at Waitangi

Tuesday 7 December Year 8 Graduation dinner

Friday 10th December End of year prizegiving (time and location to be confirmed)  

Monday 13th December last day of school 2021 close at 12

Tuesday 1 Feb 2022         First day back  at school

Friday, September 24, 2021

School photos and Calendar art

 Hi Whanau, caregivers and community

Just a friendly reminder of couple of things:

School photos key codes have gone home, you can order now online and free delivery by 3 October.

Calendar art order forms and payment by Thursday 30 Sept.



Monday, September 20, 2021

Keri Dog Farm stay

Opening 1st October 2021 and excited to meet you all. Bookings open for October school holidays and Labour weekend.
Let us care for your family dog in a safe, loving, farm environment while you are away. We have a brand new, custom built building, which houses six comfortable kennels with "indoor/outdoor flow", and a combined reception/office/utility area.
Your dog will have the choice of being exercised on his or her own, or with a friend or two. We also offer an on-lead walk once a day down our quiet country road. To keep things as familiar as possible, we feed the food you supply for your dog, and recommend you bring a blanket or favourite toy from home as a comforter.
Your dog will need to be reasonably well socialised, and tolerant of cattle and horses. Because we are a small facility I'm sorry but we are not suited to anti-social dogs, excessive barkers or howlers, destructive dogs, or escape artists. Timid or shy dogs are ok.
Your dog will also need to be desexed, fully vaccinated, and up to date with flea and worm treatments. If for any reason your dog becomes unwell we will attempt to contact you for instructions, however if we feel the situation can't wait we will take them straight to the vet for treatment and contact you asap.
Check out 10am, check in 2pm. Special arrangements can be met depending on availability.
Pricing $35 per day.
Pick up before 10am $25 half day charged.
Pick up after 10am $35 full day charged.
Cash or internet banking to be paid on drop off. Sorry no eftpos at this stage

Monday, September 6, 2021

Board of Trustees - Update

Due to Helen Green's work load and family commitments she has recently resigned her position as Board of Trusts Chair at BOIIA. We are excited to announce that Poppy Murrells has filled that vacancy. Poppy has introduced herself and her family in the letter below. The full school Board of Trustees are listed here for your information.

We wish to express our sincere gratitude to Helen for the work she has put in as Board Chair since the last election.

The elections for new Boards of Trustees are due to be held in the middle of 2022. If this is something you have considered, or are interested in finding out more about, speak to any of the current Board or please contact us here at school.

Poppy has shared her personal and family introduction here

Monday, August 9, 2021

Science exhibition Friday 13 August

 Friday 13 August

Time from: 2pm - 3pm 

We are holding our science exhibition we invite whanau, caregivers and community to come along and see our students amazing work,


Thursday, August 5, 2021

The PRINCIPLED Learner Profile

What does it mean to be a principled person?

The IBO defines a principled person as someone who “…acts with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities. They take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences that accompany them.” (, 2009)

Congratulations to the children from across the school who were chosen among many at this weeks school hui, recognised for being principled.

What do others think - School Report

We have received some responses so far on the mid year school reports. The survey remains open and we would love to hear your thoughts. If you would still like to tell us what you think go to

Find out the rest of what everyone else thinks by following this link 


Monday, July 19, 2021

Thursday 5 August at 6pm show and potluck dinner

 Dear Whanau and caregivers

You are invited to come along and bring a pot luck dish to share and watch this show, please rsvp to Toni at office if you can come along. At Whitireia marae Thursday 5 August at 6pm

Friday, July 9, 2021

Second hand clothing donated

Following the enviro-schools clothing sale held at school during term 2 there was a large quantity of clothing unsold. This week children from Room 4 have been bagging up these clothes and delivering them to the Women's Refuge (via the Kerikeri Police) and to the Hospice Shop.

They hope it will make a positive difference.

Celebrating Matariki with you, our school community

The observation and celebration of Matariki is becoming increasingly relevant and important in NZ culture. Very soon we will be enjoying an annual day to acknowledge this important period in the annual calendar.

Matariki signals new beginnings. Manawatia a Matariki, celebrate Matariki! To find out more here are two links that might be helpful and

This year we were able through the help of many in the community to once again hold our Matariki hangi. It was wonderful to see so many of you able to join us for lunch, and to enjoy the performances of our Kapa Haka group. 

Thank you for coming, thank you for donating and helping generously both your time and food. We hope and wish for new beginnings and all good things in the year ahead.

To view other photos for the event please follow this link

Kerikeri and Districts Junior Cross Country

On Wednesday 30th June the Bay Academy once again hosted this annual event for our local schools and early childhood centres. It was a pleasure to see the event so well supported by parents and whānau from across the rohe/region.

With the help of our Room 5 school leaders group we put on a successful event for the community to enjoy. The day also dawned beautiful adding to the enjoyment of all.

Phoebe from Room 1 led the way for the Bay of Islands International Academy, dominating the 4 year old girls race.

Whaea Sharon Day

On Monday, the 5th of July, we celebrated our first Whaea Sharon Day.

As part of learning in the current Unit of Inquiry some children from Room 3 (Boston, Zane and Laychn) came up with the idea of celebrating Whaea Sharon’s birthday as a way for us as a school to remember her. They planned the ceremony as part of their inquiry into traditions around the world.

Together, they found out everything that was special about Whaea Sharon and created a poster to tell others about their idea and the event planned on her birthday.

On Monday 5th July the whole school assembled around the Pohutukawa tree in front of the office.

Our school’s enviro-team worked hard to prepare a new garden bed to be filled with beautiful flowers and decorations. Parents and whānau bought in flowering plants to be added to the garden. We sang Sharon’s favourite waiata and the Happy Birthday song and shared stories about her.

We ended the celebration with a sweet treat (Sharon loved chocolate!) that the Room 5 school leaders had prepared the day before. This special day and celebration will be marked in our calendar each year!

Monday, July 5, 2021

Mid Year Reports

Audio reports will be published in your HERO App later today. Here is a very brief guide explaining how to access them on your device.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Week 9 Updates

Kia ora e te whānau kura, Hi everybody.

Here are few messages regarding what to look out for in the last couple of weeks of term.

Ngā mihi

School photos

 Hi everyone

Reminder photos next Wednesday 7 July, forms coming home today with information, and a form for sibling photos needs to be signed and returned, if you are wanting siblings photos taken,


Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Kerikeri and Districts Cross Country Results - 8 - 12 y/o

We want to congratulate all the students who took part in the cross country held yesterday at Takou Bay Road Landcorp Farm. Great to see all the Kerikeri Schools in attendance and they were joined by a couple of schools from Whangarei.

What a challenging course it was. 

2.4 km's of hill climbs, downhill sprints and wading through knee deep mud. All this and the usual blustery and cold westerly conditions which seem to grace the event every year. Not for the faint hearted.

In saying that there was no sign of any hesitation on the part of the children and young people competing. 

We want to congratulate all those who participated with lots of gutsy performances and perseverance. A special mention to the place getters from all attending schools.

From the Bay Academy the following students participated:

Avalon - 8 y/o girls

Louie, Ethan, Patrick, Logan, Mahi and Flynn - 8 y/o boys 

Eleanor - 9 y/o girls FIRST PLACE, also running, Lani and Leslie

Arran and Oakley - 9 y/o boys

Amalfi - 10 y/o girls THIRD PLACE, also running, Rita

Dejan and Julien - 11 y/o boys

Whitiora - 12 y/o girls

Bosco - 12 y/o boys FIRST PLACE

A big thank you to the parents and whānau who supported with transport and were there on the sidelines to cheer on the competitors. Mauri Ora!

Student action in Room 2 and 3

“Access to equal opportunities shapes communities and makes a difference in the world”

This was the central idea for the 'Sharing the Planet' inquiry conducted in Rooms 2 and 3. 

Children looked into equal opportunities for natural resources and for education. Soon, it became clear that some children don’t have the same access to water, food and toys like others. 

Aliyah, Anaia and Flynn decided to write letters to the students and their parents asking them for donations of toys and food to help families in need. 

It didn’t take long, and the first toy donations came in, the team was overjoyed! A big thank you to all children and families who donated toys. Now, we will be looking for the right charity to donate these toys to.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Cross Country Results

 The results of the school cross country are below. We want to congratulate all the place getters recorded on the attached list. Many of these children will go on to compete in the Kerikeri and Districts Junior (3oth June at the Bay Academy) and Senior Cross Country (21st June at Takou Bay) events. We wish them the best for their efforts.

We encouraged all the children at school to participate in the school event. I was so proud that 100% of children who were present and were able, also participated. This speaks volumes about their positive attitude and willingness to give it a go. I know how much some of these children would have preferred not to.

We encouraged all the children to set a target of pushing themselves just beyond the limits that thought they were capable of. So many did this, and the sense of achievement and pride as they crossed the finish line was heart warming.

A big thanks to staff, students, parents and whānau for their help and support. We hope you agree that it was a fun day and well worth while for a whole lot of reasons.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Cross Country Season

 Just an update regarding upcoming dates for cross country events, at the school and regionally.

We will hold a cross country for our whole school in week 6 (next week) on Friday afternoon 11th June.

The Kerikeri and Districts inter-school cross country championships for Year 5 - 8 will be held on Monday 21st June, with a postponement day of the 23rd if required. Children will be invited to put their names forward at school to compete in that event. Parent support will be welcomed as we travel to Takou Bay for this.

The Bay of Islands International Academy will be hosting the Kerikeri and Districts Junior Cross Country on Wednesday 30th June at school. This event is for competitors up to Year 4. Schools attending to date are Kerikeri Primary, Riverview and Springbank School.

We welcome you to come along and support your children on these days. Details on the organisation for events will be sent out well beforehand.

Northland Pest Control Wānanga/Meeting

Last Sunday saw the running of the latest pest control meeting for interested groups around Northland. The Bay of Islands International Academy took along members of the trapping group to present to the meeting about what they have been doing to manage the population of pests in the school grounds.

Details and a video of their presentation is below.

We are excited to be involved early in an initiative to rid the Purerua Peninsula of all pests in an effort to protect and grow the kiwi and native bird communities living here.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Learning through the Transdisciplinary Themes

If you are looking for more understanding of how your children learn at the Bay Academy ...

We set aside specific daily learning time dedicated to building reading and writing literacy and maths numeracy. These are central to student success in all other areas of learning, and for life.

Unlike lots of schools that treat subjects as separate blocks of learning our students learn through units of inquiry (6 per year). Subject knowledge (science; social studies; arts; physical, social and personal education), Skills (thinking, research, social, communication and self-management) and the Learner Profile are integrated sensibly through each unit of inquiry. This is known as a transdisciplinary approach.

These themes engage the learning community in rich dialogues and ongoing collaboration to build an understanding of themselves, their wider community and the world. The expected outcome is students who take charge of their learning and who take action reflecting what they have learned.

Designed to have enduring value regardless of where you are in the world, or who your student is, the six themes provide guidance for what students will inquire into. 

To see some of the results of student learning in the Units of Inquiry please check your HERO App, under Sharing My Learning.

Here they are:

Welcome to our Pānui newsletter

Tēnā koutou Parents, Whānau and Caregivers, We are going to be providing regular updates from our school using this blog, meaning that ins...