Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Learning through the Transdisciplinary Themes

If you are looking for more understanding of how your children learn at the Bay Academy ...

We set aside specific daily learning time dedicated to building reading and writing literacy and maths numeracy. These are central to student success in all other areas of learning, and for life.

Unlike lots of schools that treat subjects as separate blocks of learning our students learn through units of inquiry (6 per year). Subject knowledge (science; social studies; arts; physical, social and personal education), Skills (thinking, research, social, communication and self-management) and the Learner Profile are integrated sensibly through each unit of inquiry. This is known as a transdisciplinary approach.

These themes engage the learning community in rich dialogues and ongoing collaboration to build an understanding of themselves, their wider community and the world. The expected outcome is students who take charge of their learning and who take action reflecting what they have learned.

Designed to have enduring value regardless of where you are in the world, or who your student is, the six themes provide guidance for what students will inquire into. 

To see some of the results of student learning in the Units of Inquiry please check your HERO App, under Sharing My Learning.

Here they are:

Monday, May 24, 2021

Switch on Safety

At the Bay Academy we have the full service of the government funded Network for Learning (N4L) who manage and control the internet, including maintaining up to date filters to ensure only appropriate content is available to students online.

In conjunction with Netsafe and the Ministry of Education you at home can also access the same protections on your childrens devices. The instructions to make the necessary changes on those devices are shared here (and are quite simple to do).


Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Pink shirt day this Friday 21 May

Pink shirt day this Friday we are supporting, wear something pink mufti day, gold coin donation for Mental health foundation.

The Big Bay Clothes Market

The Big Bay Clothes Market at Bay of Islands International Academy was a huge success!

The Enviroschools team organised and ran (with the help of amazing staff and parents) a fun packed day with; the clothes sale offering massive bargains for all ages, a truly delicious bake sale, a well attended hot drinks cafe and a relaxing massage clinic.

We can’t not mention the epic bouncy castle donated from our wonderful Davies whanau. The team weathered the rain and raised a whopping $788 for their projects this year. But wait, there's more! After feedback on timing and many sad potential shoppers who missed the event due to sporting activities, we have decided to reopen our clothes shop doors once again this Sunday 23rd May from 1-4pm.

Please note this is only the clothes market as many bargains still to be had. Share share share!

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Learner Profile Certificates

 A big congratulations to our fortnightly Learner Profile certificate winners. Thinkers, inquirers, risk takers, reflective, these children and rangatahi have stood out showing one or more of these attributes in their classroom learning and effort.

Congratulations to them, these are the attributes of a global citizen.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Te Tai Tokerau Kapa Haka Festival

Great to have Crystal and Rawi take a van load to Whangarei to support the local high school kapa haka group in the festival.

This was an opportunity for our rangatahi, young people to observe (and enjoy) the standard of performance achievable by them and to set their expectations. Learning at its best.

Ka nui te pai ō te rā 😍

Posted by Bay of Islands International Academy on Monday, 10 May 2021

Kerikeri Girl Guide fundraising

Monday, May 10, 2021

Professional Learning Day

A 'teacher only day' with a difference

Netsafe Event - Protecting our children online

 This is a reminder about the upcoming event in Kerikeri. If you have questions or concerns about your childrens online behaviour or experiences, this is a very worthwhile session. Follow this link to register, or simply show up on the night.

Room 5 - Stories of the Month

 Students in Room 5 have created and shared their recent learning in the class newsletter. Enjoy.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Protecting Marine Environments

I was lucky enough to experience the beauty of our marine environments first hand in the recent term break. What an amazing experience.

Students in Room 5 have also inquired into what it means to protect our marine environment and have written individual submissions to the Department of Conservation. You can read their submissions here https://drive.google.com/.../1DKb5fNVkRAdKpVs...

If this inspires you to want to add your voice to the marine mammals sanctuary proposal in Te Pēwhairangi, The Bay of Islands, then follow this link https://survey.publicvoice.co.nz/s3/boimms

Welcome to our Pānui newsletter

Tēnā koutou Parents, Whānau and Caregivers, We are going to be providing regular updates from our school using this blog, meaning that ins...