Friday, November 26, 2021

Camp at School 2021

Camp at school for Rooms 2,3 and 4 was again a great success. Our tamariki love the opportunity to work and play together as one. A full days activity list was created by the teachers and students that flowed on into the evening, including setting up the camp sites and tents, a camp fire with toasted marshmellows and spotlight as the night closed in.

The night was long for teachers as they settled children down in their sleeping locations and comforted any who were a little hesitant as their heads hit the pillow in the knowledge that Mum or Dad were not as close by as normal. By the time the morning arrived everyone was rested and happy, and all that remained was a hearty breakfast and the wait for parents and whānau to arrive for pickup. 

A big thanks again  to teachers for their willingness and enthusiasm to help create a wonderful experience.


Monday, November 15, 2021

Sir Peter Blake Young Leaders Award

 At last weeks school hui it was a great pleasure to announce that a young person from our school had been granted a Sir Peter Blake Young Leaders Award. The award was presented to Arran Grant for his leadership of the school pest trapping programme.

Arran has taken leadership of this trapping programme and has guided a small team of his peers to maintain a regular programme of pest trapping around the school. Arran and his team and also taken their work into the community and have shared their journey in presentations to other groups, including at the local Whitiora Marae, to show the benefits to our environment of their actions.

Massive congratulations to Arran.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

If you are able to help in anyway, big or small, we would love to hear from you.

 Kia ora koutou,

Thank you to the families and students who have completed the strategic planning surveys. The time taken to generously and thoughtfully give your feedback is so valuable and very much appreciated.

One particular area that has come through loud and clear from our entire community, is the desire for our playground and outside play opportunities for our tamariki to be improved.

Another message that came through was the willingness from our community to support and contribute to the growth and opportunity at our school.

The board are therefore putting out a call to whānau and our wider community… a call to anyone who has a little time, energy, advice, experience or enthusiasm to support a fundraising drive!  

We aim to get a fundraising working group set up in term 4 so we can start to brain storm, strategise and work with our students to formulate a plan of action - to fund and create an awesome playground and outdoor play opportunities for our school.

If you are able to help in anyway, big or small, we would love to hear from you.

You can drop in to see Toni in the office or have a chat with Chris. You can also email me on, or any of the other board members if you’d like further information or conversation.

We are really excited to see what we can achieve together for our children.

Kia pai tō rā whakatā, have a great weekend!


Board chair on behalf of the board of trustees

Welcome to our Pānui newsletter

Tēnā koutou Parents, Whānau and Caregivers, We are going to be providing regular updates from our school using this blog, meaning that ins...