Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Water Day

 Having some fun in the sun as we head towards then end of the school year. 

Monday, December 12, 2022

Te Manawa Tahi Timetable 2023 - Term 1

Kia ora te whānau kura,

The Ministry of Education continue to provide an outlet for parents to contact them directly with any concerns or questions about their child's/children's success at school. They offer an outreach, face to face opportunity in our area once per term. Here is the schedule for your information;

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Fun water day Monday 12 Dec


7 December 2022

 Tēnā koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whānau,

 Due to us not being able to provide transport and supervision required to proceed with the planned beach day on Monday 12th December, we have decided to hold a fun water day at school instead. We will have water challenges, games and races run as a fun rotation for all the tamariki. This will be a great day for everyone but we must ensure that no one gets too much sun on the day so we ask that you send your child prepared for a day outside.

Please ensure that your child brings the following:

       Togs and towel

       Sun hat


       Dry clothes to get changed into.

       Bag for wet gear

       Full water bottle


Water day is always a favourite with the students and I’m sure it will be a fun day to end the year with. 

Xmas market at bunnings


Tuesday, December 6, 2022

End of year celebration

 Kia ora mai tātou katoa,

We want to welcome all parents, whānau and caregivers to attend our end of year prizegiving ceremony beginning at 11:30am on Tuesday 13th December, in Room 5. This is always a lovely opportunity to celebrate the students many successes and to bid farewell to the students, and their families, who graduate and move on to high school.

We would also like to invite those who are able to join us immediately following the hui for a 'bring your own picnic' lunch. In preparing for that please be aware that we are working with limited kitchen facilities currently as we pack down in preparation for the office/kitchen renovation.

This is also a reminder that school closes at 12:30pm on Wednesday 14th. The bus will run on an earlier timetable and will be at school to collect children at 12:40pm. We will alert parents and whānau via text message well in advance with any changes to that timing to allow you to be at the collection pick-ups on time. Please be sure to collect children who are not travelling by bus at that time.

Ngā mihi nui

Monday, December 5, 2022

Temporary Office/Reception

Due to the upcoming renovation of the reception area and kitchen we have temporarily moved the office and reception area. This is now in our resource room which is in the front of the school and can still be accessed from the car park. Follow the path just to the right of the garden to find Toni.

The builders have indicated that the renovation could go into term 1 and so we have rented a small cabin to provide overflow space in the meantime. We look forward to being back to normal as soon as possible in 2023. Thanks in the meantime for your patience and understanding.

Fundraising Opportunity

The school was very pleased to support a local camper van rally on the weekend, making the top fields available for parking and accomodation on Saturday night. All the vans were self contained and by all accounts, attendees had an enjoyable stay. They have asked if they can return in the future, and we would welcome an approach again.

This was a small fundraising opportunity for our school. Thank you Monique for making the initial contact and organising the day.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Tapuaetahi Sandspit Restoration

The student team travelled to the sandspit today to begin work on weed removal, and to gather seeds for raising. This long term project is a special one for our school and we are proud to be kaitiaki of this precious environmental gem.

Excitement and anticipation as the team gather in front of the sandspit with Teresa, Emily and Romy to begin the task of weed removal.

Mahi and Isaac removing plenty of Iceplant from the sandspit area. Those bags get very heavy boys.

Well done Neva and Emily. Digging up those larger plants is not the easiest of jobs in this heat.

Nice work Soraya, the weed pile is just about taller than you.

Teresa taking the tamariki over the sand dunes to collect seeds from the pingao.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Year 8 Exhibition Project - Shaun

 Year 8 students in their graduating year complete an Exhibition project, reflecting a culmination of their learning and skill development in the IB Primary Years Programme. This is generally a fully student motivated passion project and may take a big portion of the latter part of the final year at the Bay Academy to complete.

Shaun has just begun to bring an action to his project, sending out messages seeking support with students across all of our classes. His kaupapa is shared in the image below.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Better Start Literacy in Rooms 1 and 2

2022 has seen a great deal of success for children in Rooms 1 and 2 as we have rolled out the Better Start Literacy approach. Our teachers have undergone extensive professional learning during the year, supported by our RTLB Nicola.

The document here explains what it is and summarises the impact of the BSLA for tamariki across Aotearoa.

For those with a desire to read more research about the BSLA approach these links may be of interest:

Monday, November 21, 2022

Teachers as learners


During 2022 teachers Sarah Ross and Doris Anschober have been participating in a Hybrid Learning professional learning journey with a group of other teachers from Te Tai Tokerau. On Saturdy they presented their findings to the Ministry of Education at a hui in Bream Bay.

The Bay Academy was selected along with Bream Bay College as the only two Northland schools to receive funding to research techniques to engage with children not in school due to circumstances outside their control. This was a project designed to open the doors to the classroom and to learning for children away from school. A number of parents also contributed to the research carried out by our teachers.

The Ministry will seek to share the learning from the project widely across the schools in Te Tai Tokerau with a view to continuing to engage with a high number of children currently disengaged with their schools and learning.

We are very grateful for the dedicated work put in by Sarah and Doris in an already busy programme. Their findings and those of others in the project will serve to inform how we continue to improve the way learning is made available to students and their families into the future.

You can read more about the project in this blog post https://futuremakers.nz/2022/11/20/8-insights-for-achieving-resilience/.

Soccer Skills

 James Coleman of the Northern Regional Football Association offered our children the opportunity of joining their soccer skills programme in schools. All the children were involved in sessions learning and practicing a range of kicking and passing skills. These sessions were expertly run by Pete from the NRF. With the start of the FIFA football world cup this was an opportunity to grow children's interest in the 'beautiful game'. 

Disco Fun

 A big thanks to the teachers, senior students and all the parent helpers for the organisation for our disco on Friday evening. It was another great opportunity to get together again as a community and enjoy some dress up fun and music.

A special mention to Tiana, Dee and Thalessia for their great organisation and work with food preparation, Olga for being DJ extraordinaire, Monique for her tireless 'do everything' support, and all the other parents who supplied music equipment and made other contributions to the success of the afternoon. Thank you all.

Friday, November 11, 2022

Trapping team

The trapping team have been continuing their good work around the school to assist with pest control in our region. Zane from Kiwi Coast has been visiting regularly to support the team and has added some of our traps to the network of traps being monitored.

Currently 2 traps have been GPS'ed and are visible towards the back of the school grounds. These are significant traps with stoats as the possible prey, although they will also eliminate rats.

We will continue to develop our recording of pests trapped. The team will be looking to expand their reach in the community as time goes on with the hope that they can encourage others to keep and maintain traps in the neighbourhood.

The trapping team are currently Phoenix, Oakley (Room 5), Louie, Ethan, Mahi (Room 4). We will expand the group based on interest and the group will also help to train younger students in Room 3 with an eye to the future.

Monday, November 7, 2022

Staff Changes 2023

Tēnā koutou katoa parents, whānau and community,

We would like to let you know about upcoming changes in our teaching team for 2023. Haere rā. This year we will farewell long serving teachers Sarah Ross and Angela Brewer from our school. Sarah is heading to Wellington to be closer to her family and Angela is seeking to broaden her career, taking up a new opportunity at Oromahoe School. We will also say goodbye to Sophie Malone who has been with us for a year. We wish them all well as they embark on new futures.

Nau mai, haere mai! We are very excited to be welcoming three new teachers to our team in 2023. Angela Miller, who has previous experience teaching at the Bay Academy, will join us in Room 2. Rona Lawson is very pleased to be joining us and will teach in Room 4. Rona has recently worked at Kaeo School and is much loved by her students there. She too has had experience teaching her at the Bay Academy during her teacher training. Michael Baty, who is currently working at Kerikeri Primary School, will also join us in 2023. Michael brings a wealth of teaching and IB experience having recently returned to New Zealand after leading an IB PYP school in the Middle East. Michael will teach our intermediate students in Room 5 and will take on deputy principal and IB coordinator responsibilities for our school. A warm welcome to all three.

Rona and Michael have shared their welcome statements with us below. Angela's will follow. We look forward to providing you our community the opportunity early next year to meet the new team.

Ngā mihi

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Drama and hip hop classes


Explore vocal skills, movement and characters through theatre sports, games and improv. Build imagination, gain confidence and have fun!

Our Beginner Hip Hop classes continue into Term 4 for Junior 7yrs+ and Intermediate 10yrs+. These classes work on coordination and musicality in a fun, dynamic, supportive environment introducing the Hip Hop genre to our young dancers. All music and choreography is age appropriate.

 You can find out more about us at www.boipaa.co.nz or get in touch with us via info@boipaa.co.nz or 022 681 4461

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Whakawhānaungatanga Hui Ahurei - Whitiora Marae, Te Tii

The Bay of Islands International Academy were very proud to host the very first kapa haka festival for primary and intermediate students in Kerikeri. 

This event, held at the beautiful Whitiora Marae in Te Tii, was a celebration of Ngāti Rehiatanga in the form of waiata and performance.

As inaugural hosts our whole school were the welcoming group for all the other visiting schools, and with the support of our kaiwhina Crystal, Rawi and Danny, the children did themselves very proud.

It was a wonderful day of Kerikeri schools sharing a sense of togetherness and whānaungatanga, best depicted by the photos shared below.

Te Tii Marea Kapa Haka Primary schools 08/09/22

More photos are available following this link https://photos.app.goo.gl/8oTEa9BCxsnHjZSs8

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Board election results

13 September 2022

School Board Parent Election Results Declaration Parent representative votes: 

Name Votes 

Edwards, Monique 24

Heihei, June 15

Lee, Barney 26 

Rehm, Jason 10 

Tubbs, Liz 28 

Wolfgramm, Karis 26 

Invalid Votes ____0_______ 

I hereby declare the following duly elected: 

Names Liz Tubbs Barney Lee Karis Wolfgramm Monique Edwards 

Signed Toni Taylor Returning Officer

Monday, September 5, 2022

BSLA - Structured Literacy Approach

 At the Bay Academy our teachers in Rooms 1 and 2 are working hard to prepare children with the necessary foundational literacy skills they need to be able to access the wider, inquiry based curriculum we so value. They are doing this with the support of the Better Start Literacy Programme which is having very positive impact on children right across the country.

The programme teaches systematic word identification and decoding strategies. This information sheet will shed light on the elements of the programme which are proving to be so effective.

Friday, September 2, 2022

Lit Quiz - Room 5

Practice makes perfect!

Leading up to Lit Quiz, our team (Amalfi, Gabby, Lily and Olive) had to do practice tests to analyse what we knew and needed to know. Every week or so, we would learn new things that would help us with doing our best, and I guess that played a big part in us coming 11th!

On the day, 37 teams were competing. There were 10 different subjects that we had to try and answer, like comic characters and rabbits. We got to a bonus round, so we got double points on whatever subject we thought we were best at. We choose the last theme, settings, and getting the final score of 64! The quiz master also gave away spot questions where the teams were given a random question and had to answer it on the spot. If you got it right, you got $5! All together, our team got $35. We also won a round, the subject being musicals. It was a great experience and we would definitely try it again!

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Trapping and Planting

Action is underway to re-establish an active trapping team and programme in our school. We have made connections with Kiwi Coast who have a sophisticated database of trap locations and catch information, all on the internet. 

This opportunity is one where we would be involved in setting up GPS trackers on all our traps and having the children involved capturing and recording the data. It would also likely move beyond the current school boundaries to include establishing a trapping and information campaign in the Te Tii Village. 

We would become part of the predator free programme running on the peninsula in a more formal capacity.

Some of the team met with Zane from Kiwi Coast to discuss some planning around what the next steps would be. The team will meet again in a couple of weeks to set up an organised location map for traps around the boundary of the school.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Term 3 upcoming dates to remember


Whakawhānaungatanga Kapa Haka Hui Ahurei

The Bay of Islands International Academy would like you to consider this message as a request for your tautoko and support in our up and coming ‘Whakawhanaungatanga Kapahaka Hui Ahurei’

We as a School have identified the decline in community connection due to the pandemic and the restrictions it has entailed. It has caused separation amongst us. Therefore, we as a School feel the need to bring unity (hononga) back into our community (hapori) and into all our schools within Te Riu o Ngati Rehia.

Our goal for the event is to uphold and teach the Maatauranga of our tupuna and to celebrate the true meaning of whakawhanaungatanga (community unity), our greatest treasure being our people. Ko te mea nui o te ao he tangata.

Our goal with this event is to create an annual event which each school will take turns at hosting.

Our vision for the celebration is listed below.

Create an engaging event that will be inviting, full of joy and fun exploring new experiences and Matauranga Maori.

  • Marae Tikanga
  • Pūrākau / Stories
  • Waiata / songs
  • Manaakitanga
  • Kaitiakitanga
  • Māramatanga
The schedule of performance is below:

Upsurge Festival


A number of students from Rooms 4 and 5 have been preparing for their involvement in a wider group of students from Kerikeri who will perform with the NZ Ballet Co. at the Upsurge Festival. More information will go directly to parents and whānau of those students shortly. In the meantime the information letter below will provide an indication of some of the organisation for the event.

An important note is a change to the travel arrangement for performance night. Children will need to be at the Turner Centre by 5:15pm. They will not be collected from school by bus or returned to school by bus. We are asking parents to arrange for their children to get to and from the venue in the evening.

Friday, August 26, 2022

Room 3 field trip

 A big thanks to parent Theresa Soppet for making her property available to support this wonderful field trip for Room 3 students.

Tapuaeatahi Sandspit Restoration

A small group of 9 students from Rooms 4 and 5 have been offered an amazing opportunity by the Ngāti Rehia Incorporation to support the regeneration of native plantings on the sandspit at Tapuaetahi Beach.

This will be an ongoing project for the remainder of the year, requiring regular visits by the group to the location. This project will be carried out by the students and led by teacher Sophie Malone, with the support of Mariao Hohaia from the Ngāti Rehia Incorporation. We also anticipate having the active support of parent Theresa Wardlaw who brings a range of specific skills to this project

The Incorporation have provided a set of clothing to each child with the support of Hunting and Fishing, Kerikeri. This clothing will remain at school and will be available for the children to wear whilst on visits to the location.

For further information on the project please refer to this website https://sites.google.com/boi.ac.nz/boiiastudentpage/home

Monday, August 22, 2022

Show at turner centre tickets for sale

 The Stage Door Theatre Company is proud to present to our Far North community, Disney’s Beauty and the Beast - a show that has won the hearts of audiences worldwide. This family-friendly musical is based on the 1991 Academy Award winning animated film. With a talented cast of 60+ local performers and theatre practitioners,  including Hannah Collins as Belle and Luca Bocock as Beast.

We are excited to bring this magical show to Kerikeri. Beauty and the Beast is filled with incredible musical numbers, unforgettable characters, imaginative sets and costumes. You won’t be disappointed. Book now at The Turner Centre Box Office or online at iticket. 

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Fruit trees for school

 Kia ora whānau, caregivers and community

 Our mahi mara team of students continue to learn about their environment and how it can care for us we are now looking at our fruit trees.
We are kindly asking if any whānau are able to contribute to the school a fruit tree to replenish our old ones which have not survived.
If this is something you can help us with we would really appreciate it and we would love to be able to give back to our school community with a goal of having a fruit and vege stall for excess to be shared amongst us.
Fruit trees we would like for the school and would grow best and less pest control needed are:
Mandarin trees
Thank you for your support.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Board election vote papers info

Dear whanau, caregivers and community,

Board election 7 Sept 2022, vote papers will be posted today along with the nominees and their statements. 

Nominees: Monique Edwards, June Heihei, Barney Lee, Jason Rehm, Liz Tubbs, Karis Wolfgramm.

Voting closes 4pm on 7 September 2022.


Monday, August 1, 2022

Triennial school board election day 7 Sept

Triennial school board election day

7 Sept 2022.
Dear whanau, caregivers, community

Election is 7 Sept, nomination forms need to be in by this Wed 3 August at noon.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Triennial school board election day 7 Sept 2022

 Dear whanau, caregivers, community

Election is 7 Sept, nomination forms will be sent home and available from school office on 25 July 2022.


Wednesday, July 6, 2022

MORPH! Puppet Festival is happening in Kerikeri

 MORPH! Puppet Festival is happening in Kerikeri from Wednesday to Sunday this week. Come and see some truly magical plays, create your own mini puppet theatre, make a monster, build a robot, and take a tour around our wonderful world of puppets with an interactive exhibition. Tickets are available through the Turner Centre Box Office and iTicket.

A full schedule is available here: https://morphpuppetfestival.com/whats-on/

Best Regards
Kylie Penn

Ph: 0211593944

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Holiday skating Waipapa

 School Holiday Skating starts next week.

WHAT    School Holiday Skating 
               Monday to Friday 2pm to 4pm

WHERE  Baysport Stadium, Harmony Lane, Waipapa

Friday, June 17, 2022

School Cross Country

 Thanks to everyone involved, students, staff and helpers we managed to run the school cross country during this week. The age group fields were decimated as a result of children at home sick, but those who were able to be here gave it their all.

As usual a relaxed event, everyone seemed to have fun and all the children made a big effort to do their best and all finished their runs. distances ranged from 700 metres to 3.5km.

Here's a few photos from the day.

Welcome to our Pānui newsletter

Tēnā koutou Parents, Whānau and Caregivers, We are going to be providing regular updates from our school using this blog, meaning that ins...