Monday, May 30, 2022

School Updates and Info

Dates to Remember

Junior Playground

Fund raising for the junior playground has begun and we want to acknowledge the wonderful work of board member Kiri Walsh who is tirelessly supporting our efforts to date. Kiri is also working with our children every Monday with Mahi Maara, a wonderful addition to the weekly programme.

The playground fundraising is going to take a monumental effort and anyone who feels they could support Kiri and all of us, please be in touch.

School Council

This year we are trialling a new school student leadership model. We have begun to meet as a whole school every fortnight for a maximum 30 minutes, during which time students are encouraged to discuss and vote on ideas and suggestions they have put forward for improving the school. Our next meeting is due this Thursday.

We wish to remind parents that on alternate Thursdays at 9.15am our school hui is held in Room 5. Parents and whānau are always welcome.

Hybrid Learning

Over the past two years during the pandemic we have experienced many disruptions to learning in the classroom, either through enforced lock downs, sickness or extended periods away to protect individual safety. As teachers we have had to adjust our teaching techniques to ensure that children are still able to learn even when not at school. This is ongoing professional learning for our teachers and school, as well as right across the education system.

Earlier this year I was approached by the Ministry of Education to lead a project at the Bay Academy trialling new and improved ways to ensure children's learning is able to carry on in times of isolation from the classroom. The MOE, like many other government organisations, are looking to find sustainable solutions in the event society is faced with similar disruptions in the future. The MOE will be looking to the results of our trial, and others happening simultaneously around the country, to determine solutions for schools across Northland and the rest of Aotearoa NZ.

We are currently in the preparatory stage ensuring our school has the necessary communications tools to open up the classroom to children who not able to be in class. Our goal is to ensure the experience for those children is as close to a live experience as possible, meaning the important learning and social connections are maintained. 

We are grateful to those parents and whānau who have expressed an interest in working alongside us during this trial. Your participation, observations and feedback will be invaluable in ensuring this is successful for our children. The trial is happening in Rooms 3 and 5.

Any parents or whānau with further questions please do not hesitate to be in touch.

Extension to Year 10

The BOI Intl. Academy has sought approval once again from the Ministry of Education to accept student enrolment up to year 10. The last time this happened was in 2017, when it was declined. To date the MOE has advised that our application is acknowledged but have also confirmed that further consultation is required and that the Minister must sign his approval before it will be confirmed.

We are still hopeful of a positive response in time to allow us to open to Year 9 and 10 students in 2023.

HERO Updates

We use the HERO app for all the important information being shared by teachers or the school in general. Please let us know if you are having any difficulties getting notices from the app.

School Uniform Review

Notices have been sent advising of the recent decision regarding school uniform. Please let us know if you have questions.

Education Review Office (ERO)

ERO will be visiting the school in the week beginning the 20th June. We will welcome our new ERO partner, Zoe Lindsay with a pōwhiri and they will be with us for about 2 days this time around. ERO's new process for school reviews is to work alongside schools more consistently and be a partner in the school improvement process. 

We expect that Zoe will want to talk to parents about how you feel the school is progressing towards its goals for our children.

3 Way Conferences 

A big thanks to parents and whānau who were able to join us for 3 way conferences this term. This is always a great opportunity to share in your childs learning and experiences here at school, and we enjoyed the chance to welcome you back onto the school grounds for the first time in quite a while.

Board of Trustees

Towards the end of term 2 we were required to conduct a bi-election to fill vacancies in the Board of Trustees. We welcome Barney Lee and Gladys Caolo as new members on out BoT. A big thanks also to all those who put themselves forward to be considered for election. There is a new Board election for the full Board of Trustees later this year so we hope you will all consider putting yourselves forward again.

Matariki Celebration - Term 2

 Tēnā koutou katoa

Nāu mai mihi mai to all Parents, Whānau and Caregivers 

Here we are at the beginning of week 5 of term 2 and it almost seems the school year has only just begun. Term 1 was so disrupted by the various effects of Covid across our whole school community that many of the normal activities running in term 1 never happened. It’s easy to forget we have all been living in highly unusual circumstances for 2 years and nothing is as it was.

Our priority as always is to focus on the wellbeing of the children, and above all else this has been the focus of the first few weeks of this term. It’s great to have had so many return to school in term 2 and there is some sense of a return to normality. Long may it last. 

This year the Matariki celebration becomes embedded in our culture as a national holiday. We are very excited to be preparing for this significant school community event to acknowledge this change. We hope you will all join us. Information has been shared in HERO, on our Facebook page and sent in hard copy.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Welcoming New Students

It has been lovely to welcome new students into Rooms 1, 3 and 4 this term. He mihi nui ki a koutou Huturangi, Soraya and Toby. 

Friday, May 20, 2022

Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying

Every year we take the time to acknowledge week in conjunction with on Friday. This is an opportunity to bring into our regular conversations and inquiry into the impact of bullying on individuals and in society.

As always our children are responsive and supportive to the messages discussed and shared across the school.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Weetbix Try Challenge

What a wonderful day organised by Mrs Anschober in Room 3. Lots of the children, with the help of parents and whānau who delivered bikes to school, competed in a tryathlon here at school.

Covid has disrupted the normal running of this annual event and so the decision was made to give it a go ourselves. 

A big thanks to all the parents and whānau who came along to support. It was a great afternoon, despite the weather. 

Thanks to Constable Rob of the Kerikeri police who had come along a few days earlier to help the children with biking skills and safety.

Welcome to our Pānui newsletter

Tēnā koutou Parents, Whānau and Caregivers, We are going to be providing regular updates from our school using this blog, meaning that ins...