Monday, June 25, 2018

Week 9, Term 2

Ngā mihi nui everyone,

Just a quick update as we head towards the end of the term. Here is what coming up in this week and next as we head towards the winter holiday break.

Cross Country Events
The senior primary Kerikeri and Districts Cross Country is being run tomorrow, Tuesday 26th at the Kapiro Farm, Takou Bay Road. We will be taking a number of students to compete in this regional event. Unfortunately, due to difficult weather conditions our own school cross country has not been able to be run, so our runners may go a little unprepared physically, but will no doubt give their best on the day. A note from the farm managers for supporters intending to watch on the day. Due to the threat of M Bovis all children, parents, spectators must enter through the main gate into the paddock. At this point there will be a trough with disinfectant. Please ensure all footwear or feet are dipped in the trough. Gumboots would be a great idea as you can easily dip these in. Shoes will have to be dipped in. There are no exceptions to this.

Also this week we are hosting the Kerikeri and Districts Junior Cross Country at Bay Academy. This is on Thursday 28th and we welcome a number of our local primary schools and their supporters who will be bringing runners across all age group categories up to 7 years old.

Wheels Day/Mufti
We have rescheduled Wheels Day and mufti until this Friday 29th. Students are welcome to bring any unmotorised wheels, bikes, scooters, skates, trolleys for a fun day on wheels. Mufti is a gold coin donation, proceeds of which will go to the SPCA.

School Photos
Next Monday 2nd July we plan to take individual, family, class and other school photos. This is weather dependent as we prefer to shoot photos in an outdoor setting as in the past. We'll keep you posted if there are any changes and a reminder will go out on the Skoolloop App and via text closer to the day.

School reports are currently being finalised by teachers who have worked tirelessly to provide you with the latest up to date information about the progress of your child/children. Reports are going to be emailed out to parents, and we will include a brief questionnaire to gather feedback from you about the way we are reporting. As usual, your thoughts and opinions are highly valued as we seek to improve our processes.

Student Voice Newsletter
The latest student voice newsletter is available to view here. Senior students Isabella and Sophie have been roaming the classrooms talking to students about their learning and about the current PYP learning focus on being an Inquirer and being Balanced. Follow the link to see what students had to say.

Staff Changes
Most of you will be aware that Room 6 teacher Rebecca Thomas and her husband Kirk, our groundsman are sadly leaving us at the end of this term. They are venturing further afield overseas and we will wish them every success as they head to their next stop. We will miss them greatly, having both made significant contributions to the school in the time they have been with us. We are currently advertising staff vacancies in both positions.

Communications Survey
We have sent home a brief survey to ask for your feedback on the best methods of communication for you at home. We use a number of methods to ensure communications are clear and effective, but your responses will tell us where best to put our energies. Please get those back to the classroom teacher or to Sharon at reception.

Parent Support Group
Thank you to those parents who completed the survey about school projects needing support. We will compile the results of the survey and let everyone know the next steps. The group will meet again shortly to focus on priority areas. 

Enjoy your week everyone, we look forward to seeing you around school.

Mauri Ora

Chris Bell

SPCA Market Day

Week 8 just gone was pet week. As part of their inquiry about the SPCA,  what they do, how they do it and how we can help support their efforts,  the students decided to fundraise for this amazing organisation to help save and protect animals. 

A market day was held at school with all proceeds going to the SPCA.  There was homemade baking, cinnamon scrolls, cup cakes, cakes, hot pancakes, fruit, lemonade and juicies to tempt all taste buds.  There was an amazing student band of Lucas, Amorangi, Nate and Dylan playing  to the crowds; Dylan an incredible artist sold his original drawings; Hannah-May, Mia and Molly were a spectacular dance group wowing the spectators and, as this was for SPCA, there were cat and dog chew/throw toys and an obstacle/agility course!  

Kaia made home made dog throw/chew toys from tennis balls donated by her tennis coach, Carl from Kerikeri tennis club and the rope part of the toy was made from donated merino jerseys from her dad!!  She pre sold the dog toys at the Kerikeri police station and many there donated very generously. Thanks to teachers, students and visitors who supported the event. We will be very happy to present the local SPCA with a donation of over $700, and amazing effort.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Matariki Celebration and Hangi Feast

Last week we celebrated the beginning of the Māori new year with our annual Matariki celebration and hangi. What an amazing day it turned out to be. From very early in the morning on Friday when Mike arrived to light the fire, the day went without a hitch. Our community came together to support us with the unveiling of the new school tukutuku panel, to enjoy a performance from our kapa haka group and to eat together and acknowledge the new beginnings inherent in the stories of Matariki.

We want to thank Mike and Trudy Porter for their tireless commitment to making the day such a success. Their expertise with the hangi and in feeding all our guests so beautifully was invaluable. Thanks also must go the local Ngati Rehia kaumatua Hemi Epiha for his support and guidance during the day. To everyone else that contributed in some way to the success of the day, including all our parents who generously donated food, we thank and acknowledge you for the contribution you made.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Marae Noho 2018

Our Marae Noho was recently held at the Hiruharamahou Marae in Te Tii. Students and their families/whānau from our kapa haka group, and anyone else who was keen joined together for a weekend of fun, waiata, kapahaka and whakawahānaungatanga/friendship.

Parents and students from our school community joined a pōwhiri on Friday afternoon, welcomed by Kaumatua and Kuia from the Marae. During speeches we were able to express our gratitude to the community for their hospitality and support for our school. 
Great to see Mrs Pippa who popped in for a look.

A massive word of thanks must go to our Kaiarahi, Nyree Porter who was the big motivator behind the weekend event, and Whaea Xani who worked tirelessly before and during the noho helping wherever needed. Nyree and Xani and their respective whānau generously gave their time to provide extra support in the kitchen where the food provided was amazing.

A big thanks also goes to all the other parents who visited and/or stayed a night in the wharenui. Your support was invaluable in making the event such a success. We are looking forward to our next noho, possibly later this year.

Kaiarahi Whaea Nyree working on the new school tukutuku panel.

Students learning the new haka written just for our school.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

New Building and Renovation

Visitors to the school will see the recent arrival of construction fencing on the grounds. We are excited to be finally beginning the project to build a brand new toilet block for our children. This is designed to replace both the older toilet facilities they are currently using. The builders expect this to take up to 12 weeks.

Alongside the building of the new block will be a renovation and modernisation of Rooms 1 and 2. This will require our children to move to different learning spaces during the course of the work completion. We are working hard to create a welcoming temporary space to ensure a seamless continuation of their learning. If you have any questions or concerns please talk to teachers Jenna and Angela, or myself.

Ngā mihi

Chris Bell

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

A strong message to all students

Today I held assemblies with all of our students about BEHAVIOUR. Recently we have become concerned about the number of times students are choosing to 'hit out' and hurt others in response to frustration or upset, both in the playground and occasionally in class.

I have made it crystal clear to every student in our school that from today forward we do not accept hitting of any kind at our school. That includes play fighting, which students tell me can often lead to upset and then to hitting in response. I have told them that hitting is NOT OK either at school or anywhere else in their lives.

We have talked a little about alternative strategies to avoid hitting and violence as a response to upset. We will continue to provide strategies to our students, and ask all parents to help us in that journey. 

Your children's safety and enjoyment of school is of paramount importance to us. I have explained the serious consequences that will result in any further incidents of hitting and students are all aware about the implications that such acts will bring. I am very hopeful we can change behaviours to avoid these implications.

Ngā mihi

Chris Bell

Friday, June 8, 2018

Heaven and Earth - Rangi and Papa

Students from Rooms 1, 2 and 3 were so excited on Thursday to visit the turner Centre for the Heaven and Earth performance.

This was arranged as part of our celebration of Matariki and to bring increased awareness to Te Reo Māori.

Fashion Designers underway

The inquiry for Room 5 and 6 in the current cycle is looking into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. Students are designing and creating a piece of textile art which could be worn to express aspects of their identity. The students’ piece will include evidence of their understanding of how appearance and behaviour influences others perception and their own or others cultural heritage. 

Lots of concentration and talent being shown in the sewing and decorating room today.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Matariki Celebration 2018

Tēnā koutou Parents, Whānau and Caregivers
Nau mai haere mai ki te Matariki Hangi 2018

This is both to notify and formally invite you all to our school’s Matariki hangi next Friday, 15th June. The day will run as follows, and note that times are approximate:

5:30am - hangi fire lit (we have a team to do this!) 
9:00am - food goes into the hangi pit
8.45am - unveiling ceremony of the tukutuku panel made by the students at the Marae Noho
- performance from Te Roopu Kapa Haka, our kapa haka group
12:30pm - hangi lifted
12:45 - 1:00pm - we all eat together!

We are asking our families to each contribute a small portion of food each. Suggested contributions are:

Rooms 1 and 2 - potatoes and kumara

Room 3 - ingredients for stuffing (onions, bread, Thyme, mixed vege)

Rooms 4 and 5 - Chicken drumsticks

This is a guideline only (for example, a family from Room 1 may have access to meat), and please contribute as much as you feel comfortable. We need all food in at school by Wednesday at the latest, so that we can see how much we have, and arrange to make up any shortfalls. The children will all prepare the food together during the day on Thursday, please provide a named potato peeler for your child if possible, and you are welcome to come in and help out if you wish. We will be feeding 150+ people so there’s going to be a lot of peeling. Hangi baskets, wood, stones and cloth have all been organised and will be at school, and the senior students will dig the hangi pit between Monday and Wednesday. We will post updates on the school’s Facebook page, in our newsletter and on the school app as things progress, so please do check in from time to time. Thank you for your attention, and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Ngā mihi
Chris Bell
(09) 407 9749

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Reading to Children

Would you like to read to children? We are looking for members of our community with a little spare time to help out with extending reading mileage for our children. If this sounds like you, please leave your name with Whaea Sharon at reception, or at

Rewa's Village -

Room 1 and 2 enjoyed a visit to Rewa's village yesterday, taking in the knowledge of Rewa about early Maori village life. They explored the village and surrounding natural resources and even spotted some pretty awesome tools. "Everything" was the general favourite, followed closely by the waka. 

This visit is linked to 3 of our units of inquiry. Creating and responding to art develops an understanding of ourselves and the world around us, the earth provides us with natural resources which we process and change for use and tools have changed over time.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Supporting the health and wellbeing of our marine life and environment

Review of NCEA Level 1

As part of the current review by the Ministry of Education of the relevance of NCEA Level 1, the advisory group have said this about project based learning;

"Project-based learning opens up all kinds of possibilities and can be used to connect schools and kura with communities and local businesses. Projects can be used to explore ideas and actions that make a difference in students’ lives, while developing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they need for the future."

Many of our parents will know the work we have put into developing a project based learning approach at the Bay of Islands International Academy. We have always been confident that our trust in and commitment to this learning approach will set your children up for success as they transition into high school.

What kind of activities are common among teenagers who work well with others?

PISA in Focus has just released a paper in the OECD library describing some research into behaviours that promote collaboration skills in young people. These are among the key skills identified by employers as most important now and in the future workplace. The brief, user friendly report is available here, for those seeking more detail.

In short, consistent exercise, helping out with chores around home and minimising video gaming time are all beneficial measures for improving collaboration skills and willingness.

In school our IB Learner Profile and in class focus on group learning seeks to promote open minded and balanced learners who are confident communicators. We value and develop collaborative skills as part of our wider focus on the whole person.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Ngati Rehia Netball and Touch

Queens Birthday weekend saw the local Ngati Rehia community host another of their Netball and Touch tournaments on our school grounds. Unfortunately, after a beautiful still week of sunshine, the weather turned a little sour with torrential rain falling throughout the day on Saturday.

To their credit all players persisted in the conditions and the event made it through until the afternoon, when the decision was made to retire to a warmer and dryer place.

Well done to all who participated. The School and Board are happy to support members of our wider community by providing access to our facilities where we can.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Student Voice - PYP Updates from the classroom

Rm 1 and 2 Visit to Wharepuke

Thank you to our parents who helped last week with our wet trip to the Wharepuke Sculpture Park. The children had thoughtful responses to the artworks which sparked deep conversations back in the classroom.

Room 1 - Learning French

In French class Room 1 looked at Claude Monet’s WaterLillies collection. They looked at the colours and the style and described how it made them feel. They had a go at some water lilies and the results were amazing. Their work will be displayed after being framed so look out for them in the classroom. Later in the day they discussed the feeling they had experienced when looking at the paintings and each other’s art.The challenge was to make a clay representation of the feeling, i.e. show us what Happy looks like in clay. We were blown away with the descriptions and reasonings behind each individual shape.

Rippa Rugby in Kerikeri

Our Year 7 and 8 students competed in the recent Rippa rugby festival held at the Kerikeri rugby grounds on the Heritage Bypass. All the students participated really well and loved the day, some saying they were glad to be cajoled along by their teacher at the beginning of the day. Well done you guys for your open minded and risk taking approach, and the principled way you represented yourself and our school. Great to catch up with ex student Josh on the sidelines as well.

Parent Teachers Group

Thanks to Keshama and all the parents and staff who were able to attend the first meeting of the parent/teacher group on Thursday 31st May. This is a group of enthusiastic friends of the school who have formed to help support the school in raising funds for important projects we would all like to see happen.

Shortly we will send out a quick survey asking you for your feedback on a range of proposed projects, asking you to rate them in importance to you and the school. We ask you please to offer your responses as we value everybody's input.

If you would like to be part of the group that intends to meet regularly please contact Keshama, Chris Bell or message the group through the Facebook page.

Marae Noho

Nau mai, haere mai. Our Marae Noho will be held at Hiruharamahou Marae on the weekend of the 8th, 9th and 10th of June. Students from our Kapa Haka group and any other students and parents who are interested can join us for a weekend of waiata, song, performing arts and traditional Māori tukutuku panel and poi making. Whaea Nyree and Whaea Xani have been working hard to prepare a great weekend of whānaungatanga for our tamariki.

Students will be excused for sport on Saturday, and some transport may be available.

The Pōwhiri will be held beginning around 4.30pm on Friday afternoon the 8th. We encourage you to arrive around 4pm to prepare. Students and parents are welcome to drop in any time, stay as long or as short as you like, and bring other members of your families along.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Ngā manaakitanga

Netball Season Begins

Our Year 3 and 4 girls began their netball season recently in what could best be described as 'weather for ducks'. We are very proud of their resilience and determination to begin their new season with enthusiasm. Best of luck for the rest of the season girls, and for some sunnier days.

Welcome to our Pānui newsletter

Tēnā koutou Parents, Whānau and Caregivers,

We are going to be providing regular updates from our school using this blog, meaning that instead of waiting for occasional printed newsletters you will have regular, on time and relevant updates as they happen at school.

You will receive an email notification when the blog is updated as well as notifications on our Facebook page and the School App.

We hope you find this method of sharing the day to day stories of our students and school a new and enjoyable way to connect with us.

Ngā mihi nui

Chris Bell

Friday Inline Skating

Rooms 5 and 6 are doing inline skating every Friday as their outdoor education in Term 2. Looks like they have been having a great time.

Kaikohe Games 2018

Students from Rooms 5 and 6 recently participated in the annual Kaikohe Games competition at Lindvart Park in Kaikohe. We value the relationships we have begun to develop with the kura in our region and always look forward to our participation and whānaungatanga with these schools. We would like to thank Te Kura Kaupapa Māori ō Kaikohe for their invitation and manaakitanga for our school and students.

Welcome to our Pānui newsletter

Tēnā koutou Parents, Whānau and Caregivers, We are going to be providing regular updates from our school using this blog, meaning that ins...