Monday, June 25, 2018

Week 9, Term 2

Ngā mihi nui everyone,

Just a quick update as we head towards the end of the term. Here is what coming up in this week and next as we head towards the winter holiday break.

Cross Country Events
The senior primary Kerikeri and Districts Cross Country is being run tomorrow, Tuesday 26th at the Kapiro Farm, Takou Bay Road. We will be taking a number of students to compete in this regional event. Unfortunately, due to difficult weather conditions our own school cross country has not been able to be run, so our runners may go a little unprepared physically, but will no doubt give their best on the day. A note from the farm managers for supporters intending to watch on the day. Due to the threat of M Bovis all children, parents, spectators must enter through the main gate into the paddock. At this point there will be a trough with disinfectant. Please ensure all footwear or feet are dipped in the trough. Gumboots would be a great idea as you can easily dip these in. Shoes will have to be dipped in. There are no exceptions to this.

Also this week we are hosting the Kerikeri and Districts Junior Cross Country at Bay Academy. This is on Thursday 28th and we welcome a number of our local primary schools and their supporters who will be bringing runners across all age group categories up to 7 years old.

Wheels Day/Mufti
We have rescheduled Wheels Day and mufti until this Friday 29th. Students are welcome to bring any unmotorised wheels, bikes, scooters, skates, trolleys for a fun day on wheels. Mufti is a gold coin donation, proceeds of which will go to the SPCA.

School Photos
Next Monday 2nd July we plan to take individual, family, class and other school photos. This is weather dependent as we prefer to shoot photos in an outdoor setting as in the past. We'll keep you posted if there are any changes and a reminder will go out on the Skoolloop App and via text closer to the day.

School reports are currently being finalised by teachers who have worked tirelessly to provide you with the latest up to date information about the progress of your child/children. Reports are going to be emailed out to parents, and we will include a brief questionnaire to gather feedback from you about the way we are reporting. As usual, your thoughts and opinions are highly valued as we seek to improve our processes.

Student Voice Newsletter
The latest student voice newsletter is available to view here. Senior students Isabella and Sophie have been roaming the classrooms talking to students about their learning and about the current PYP learning focus on being an Inquirer and being Balanced. Follow the link to see what students had to say.

Staff Changes
Most of you will be aware that Room 6 teacher Rebecca Thomas and her husband Kirk, our groundsman are sadly leaving us at the end of this term. They are venturing further afield overseas and we will wish them every success as they head to their next stop. We will miss them greatly, having both made significant contributions to the school in the time they have been with us. We are currently advertising staff vacancies in both positions.

Communications Survey
We have sent home a brief survey to ask for your feedback on the best methods of communication for you at home. We use a number of methods to ensure communications are clear and effective, but your responses will tell us where best to put our energies. Please get those back to the classroom teacher or to Sharon at reception.

Parent Support Group
Thank you to those parents who completed the survey about school projects needing support. We will compile the results of the survey and let everyone know the next steps. The group will meet again shortly to focus on priority areas. 

Enjoy your week everyone, we look forward to seeing you around school.

Mauri Ora

Chris Bell

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