Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Homes Reflect Lifestyle Influences

Room 3 Action takers: Phoenix RT, Patrick, Arran, Oakley, Titan, Elijah

As part of their current unit of inquiry into Where we are in place and time with the Central Idea of: Homes reflect lifestyle influences and change over time, these students have initiated a project: Building a teepee at school.

Action: The boys watched a video about making a simple teepee with plants growing up on the side. They discussed where they could find a good spot for this at school and went to find the site. They also brainstormed which plants would work best at this time of the year. After that they made a list of materials they needed. They asked Matua Chris for permission to build it.

Phoenix then asked his mum Liz for help and sent her an email with the list. Liz came in and built the teepee with the boys.

Success: The team built a great teepee with peas and beans which will grow up on the side over the summer! It is fenced off at the moment to protect the plants in the growing stage.

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