Thursday, August 23, 2018

2018 and beyond - Our Strategic Plan

Tēnā koutou Parents, Whānau and Caregivers,

2018 and beyond - Our Strategic Plan

We are inviting your input into our next strategic plan?
As we look forward in this fast changing world we continue to inquire and reflect on the most valuable and effective ways to prepare our young people, our rangatahi, for their futures. A big part of this process is agreeing on a VISION for the school and creating a MISSION STATEMENT that will lead to that vision.

The Staff and Board of Trustees have been working on what we believe to be strong statements for both our Vision and Mission, and we ask you now for your input. What do you think? Have we got the flavour of what you want for your children at our school? Have we missed an obvious focus? What is your vision, and how closely does it align with what we have come up with?

“A peaceful, inclusive, and sustainably productive world”

We envision a world where positive, peaceful relations between people and cultures are the norm, where everyone, every culture, feels recognised and respected and where people act to create and make, in a sustainable way, what is needed for improved lives for all.

“Developing confident, balanced and caring people with a shared passion for learning, growth and action, who respect the planet and all who share it”

Here we are trying to encompass the ideals of having every child feeling positive and secure (confident) about their future as they leave us, understanding the importance of physical and mental wellbeing (balance) and having a sense of goodwill to other people/cultures and the environment (caring). We want our children to have choice over and love their learning, who grow as people both educationally and emotionally and who take action for good to improve our society. This is all encompassed in a respect for all things.

The importance of these statements is how they drive and direct the way we run the school day to day. All of our choices and decisions are driven by the Vision and Mission once finalised. This is an important part of who we are as we go forward and it is vitally important that you as parents and whānau have every chance to contribute. We are also asking our students for their input. Please go to the following survey link and answer some brief questions, by Friday 7th September.
Ngā mihi nui

Chris Bell, Principal

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