Monday, March 23, 2020

All you need to know - latest update

Wow, even a few short weeks ago who would have guessed we would end up here? Firstly I just want to extend our best wishes to all parents, caregivers and whānau for what will be a challenging few weeks ahead. Please stay safe and close to your loved ones. And in an unprecedented time, we hope you find unexpected yet positive opportunities for connection and reconnection.

As I have mentioned in previous messages today on Facebook and Skoolloop our school is closed from today. Except for children of parents providing essential services, we are closed. Staff will be on site for these children. As of midnight Wednesday night, we are fully closed. No staff will be on site. This will be in place for 4 weeks, at least.
We are offering parents, caregivers and whānau the opportunity to drop by in the next couple of days and collect Chromebooks and other resources to support learning at home. Many have already done this. If you are coming onto school grounds please be mindful of physical separation around others, and feel free to wait if teachers are busy with other parents.

While I need to seek further clarification, I understand the government has decided to bring school holidays forward. The suggestion is that with the children at home, on holiday, teachers have more time to prepare for better quality learning support online. At the Bay Academy we have been preparing for this eventuality and are ready to provide online support immediately. We will be maintaining contact with all students as appropriate and will be offering lots of learning resources and supports. We encourage parents, caregivers and whānau to become involved. 

If you have any questions or concerns or feed back, please email teachers or myself,

In the meantime Mā te ngākau aroha koe e ārahi, Let a loving heart guide your decisions.

Ngā manaakitanga

Chris Bell, Tumuaki/Principal

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