Tuesday, September 18, 2018

How the World Works

Room 5/6 recently shared their learning for their How the World Works unit of inquiry by exhibiting their science fair projects. The students chose science tests which they were interested in an conducted fair tests following the scientific process. This year we decided not to use the traditional science fair boards to show our process, data and results and instead created slideshows to present this information.

The children also included a piece of explanation writing to this to make connections between their test and the scientific facts which they witnessed. Our focus was not for the children to present information which would be read by the audience but to come up with a provocation to encourage conversations about their tests and the scientific knowledge. The students came up with imaginative ways in which to interest the audience in their work and were able to have discussions about their findings.  

We had an excellent turn out of parents and whānau who came in and had lively conversations with the students about their work. I think we all were in agreement that it was a much more effective use of our time to spend more time doing science and less time crafting a display. The students also have a digital copy of the learning in a slideshow which can now be shared with a much wider audience.The student's confidence and ability to have discussions about their learning is really growing. A big thank you to everyone who came and spent time talking with all the students.

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