Friday, September 14, 2018

From the principal

A new Vision, Mission Statement and Strategic Goals

We are currently working on our new vision for the future and have invited your feedback. The background and opportunity to contribute are here and here. We understand this is can be a difficult process to participate in and as a result are trying to make it less 'education' speak and more common speak. We'll keep working on improving that but welcome you again to have your say. 

The 3 key strategic areas we believe will help us reach the vision and mission in the next 3 years are summarised as:
1. Even more relevant and engaging learning for children, with a much greater action component.
2. Growing self managing and empathetic children who are resilient, positive and cooperative.
3. Learning more closely with you in the community and in school for reciprocal benefit.

The 'plan on a page' is included below for your interest. If you would like to offer comment or thoughts you are also welcome to email

Student Led Conferences
A reminder that these will be held on Wednesday 19th beginning at 1pm. There will be no classes after 1pm and alternative arrangements should be made for childcare. To book a conference please visit and enter the code zg97w.

2019 Dates
We have set dates for the 2019 school year, beginning on Monday 4th February and finishing, tentatively on the 19th December. Confirmation of the closing date for next year will happen shortly as we liaise with our fellow Kerikeri schools.

Building Progress
We are very pleased that the successful removal of the asbestos is now completed. Builders and sub contractors are once again fully active on site in both the classroom and the new toilet block. You should see rapid progress from this point, with a likely completion on both parts of the project about the middle of term 4. Thanks everyone for your patience to date.

Friends of the School (aka our PTA)
The latest meeting of parents and teachers took place on Wednesday evening. It was great to see a good turnout. Topics of discussion focussed on key areas of fundraising need for the school, and lots of great ideas about how and what we could do to raise these funds. For more information and to get involved go to or contact Keshama at

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