Friday, September 14, 2018

“Millions saw the apple fall but Newton asked why” Bernard Baruch

The IB Learner Profile ‘Inquirer’ encourages students to nurture curiosity and develop skills for inquiry and research. Students know how to learn independently and with others. Students learn with enthusiasm and sustain a love of learning throughout life.

At the start of each inquiry teachers set a provocation to inspire and engage students in the upcoming inquiry. These provocations have ranged from a staged staff argument, a room full of materials, science experiments, to unknown suitcases turning up at the school.

Children have natural curiosity and this should be the drive for learning. Our celebration of science day last Thursday was an outstanding collection of mini inquiries, displayed by our senior students using provocations to invite us to ask questions. This process showed that students were knowledgeable about their science and also thought about how to provoke thinking in others.

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